Millenium Edition (Me) or 2000 a t the Windows opera ting system level. It provides user a uthentic a tion through its enc ryption/ dec ryption func tion using the Sma rtC a rd. If your Sma rtC a rd is una va ila ble, you c a n use the Emergenc y C a rd a s a tempora ry repla c ement c a rd.
•Pla tinumKey a
A c a rd slot for your Sma rtC a rd is loc a ted on the left pa nel of the
c omputer. This new sec urity fea ture helps you boot up your c omputer with a ll your settings built right into your Sma rtC a rd. You don’t ha ve to remember your pa ssword to a c c ess your c omputer.