Subscriber Passwords
Make sure that subscribers understand the importance of password security to their mailboxes and implement the following guidelines:
■Subscribers should change their passwords the first time they log into the system and periodically thereafter. Consider sending a broadcast message on the first of each month to remind them.
■Subscribers can have passwords of up to nine digits to access the AUDIX Voice Power and FAX Attendant systems. There is no minimum password length; however, you should encourage subscribers to make their passwords at least five digits.
■Subscriber passwords are specified in their profiles on the Subscriber Administration screen. A pound sign (#) in the Password field denies access to anyone trying to log into the mailbox. The system responds with login incorrect regardless of what the caller enters. Use this feature whenever it becomes necessary to restrict mailbox access. Once a subscriber profile is saved, the password value will not be displayed on the screen. This is for security purposes. If subscribers forget their passwords, the System Manager must enter new passwords in their profiles and resave them. The old passwords are unrecoverable.
Administrative Passwords
Administrative passwords are
■Make sure that the passwords set during installation are changed.
■Establish and enforce procedures among administrators for changing passwords. These procedures should include how often passwords are changed and how notification of new passwords is made.
■Because subscribers are required to choose passwords, inevitably some will forget their passwords. To prevent unauthorized access to a subscriber’s mailbox, establish a procedure for reissuing passwords in these situations.
■You must include both numbers and letters in