Back up all system data regularly to ensure a timely recovery, should it be required. Implement a regular offsite backup policy so that you will always have a current backup, even if a disaster strikes your company’s office location. See the backup procedures in Chapter 4 for instructions.
Toll Fraud
Toll fraud attempts through voice messaging systems and automated attendant systems have grown dramatically. Toll fraud “hackers” access a voice mail or automated attendant system, transfer through the system, and gain access to a corporation’s interface to a
To diminish the risk of toll fraud occurrences, we recommend limiting transfers. The Transfer to Subscribers Only? parameter on the AUDIX Voice Power System Parameter Administration screen allows you to impose a limitation while still allowing callers and subscribers to use AUDIX Voice Power transfer capabilities.
By leaving the default setting to yes for this parameter, you can restrict transfers to registered subscribers only. When a caller is instructed to enter an extension number from the Automated Attendant, or when a caller enters an extension number from the Voice Mail or Call Answer services, the extension entered is validated against the subscriber database of AUDIX Voice Power. If the extension entered is not in the subscriber database, the caller will hear “That is not a valid extension,” the transfer is denied, and the caller will not have an opportunity to gain access to the outgoing facilities of the telephone communications system. For more information on this parameter, see the AT&T AUDIX Voice Power™/AT&T FAX Attendant System™ Planning and Implementation document (Document No.
If the above transfer restriction is used, you should not assign