46Chapter 5 Accessing the CLI and Basic Configuration
5Set the following communication parameters for the terminal:
Data Rate | 9600 bps |
Data Bits | 8 |
Stop Bits | 1 |
Parity | None |
Flow control | Xon/Xoff |
Note: If you are unable to connect to the Passport 4460, try selecting
Hardware in the flow control field.
6Click OK twice. You have now completed the HyperTerminal setup. Continue on to Logging into the CLI Using the Terminal Emulation Program below.
Logging into the CLI Using the Terminal Emulation Program
1Access the terminal emulation program you set up for this connection. A blank window opens.
2Press [Enter] until you see a Login prompt.
3At the Login prompt, type cli and press [Enter]. A Password prompt is displayed.
4Press [Enter]. You are now logged into the CLI and ready to initially configure and assign an IP address to your Passport 4460 unit.
Continue on to Assigning the IP Address.