20Chapter 2 Online Documentation
For installing documentation from the CD-ROM
After doing the steps 1, 2, and 3 above, you can install documentation by following the procedures in the following icons:
•If you are using Windows, ouble click on config_ops_doc.exe and follow the directions
•If you have a UNIX workstation you extract the documentation by doing a double click on config_ops_doc.tar and follow the directions
This documentation is also available for downloading from the web page
From the Internet, you can access the documentation from this URL:
Open the documentation
•If you are using the Passport 4400 Configurator, click on the Documentation link in the navigation menu. The online documentation will display in a new browser window. Ensure that the documentation URL has been updated. (See “Passport 4400 Configurator Documentation URL Update” on page 39.)
Note: Some browsers require special setup. See “Browsers” on page 25.
•If you have installed the online documentation onto your PC's hard drive, you can access the documentation by opening the file named index.html, located in the directory where you installed the documentation.
•If you have installed the online documentation on a Web server, the URL you must use depends on where the documentation is installed on the server and how the Web site is configured and managed by the server's administrator or WebMaster. An example URL could be the following: