(800) | (+33) in Europe |
(401) | (401) |
American Power Conversion | American Power Conversion |
132 Fairgrounds Road | 4, rue Ste Claire Deville |
P.O. Box 278 | Zac du |
West Kingston, Rhode Island | Lognes |
02892 USA | 77447 Marne La Vallee Cédex 2 |
| France |
Please note: The troubleshooting chart in Section 7.0 offers solutions for most of the difficulties you may encounter with this UPS. Before calling the customer service number, please have available your UPS’s serial number (see label at the rear of the UPS).
Serial number: ___________________
Entire contents copyright © 1994 American Power Conversion. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.