| Function |
| Action |
| Entering this key combination implies that |
| you will also enter another |
| combination within three seconds: | |
| System Reset or |
| Defaults |
| Displays current day of week |
| Sets day of week to Sunday |
| Sets day of week to Monday |
| Sets day of week to Tuesday |
| Sets day of week to Wednesday |
| Sets day of week to Thursday |
| Sets day of week to Friday |
| Sets day of week to Saturday |
| Momentarily displays software version |
| number as “V - - | |
| the selected monitor |
| Changes which unit is Active |
| Writes app data (cameras selected on |
| keyboards and other info) to Flash. Entering |
| ||
| eliminates the need to resynchronize |
| cameras to monitors |
| Loads the dynamically defined character set |
| to the BVOM | |
| |
| Used in combination with |
| MPCPU to factory defaults, except the direct |
| port settings. This function does nothing by | |
| |
| itself. |
| Used in combination with |
| MPCPU. This function does nothing by itself. | |
| |
| Sets video loss mode to OFF for the called |
| camera | |
| |
| Sets video loss mode to SYNC ONLY for |
| camera | |
| |
| Sets video loss mode to VIDEO LOW for |
| camera | |
| |
| Sets video loss mode to VIDEO MED for |
| camera | |
| |
| Sets video loss mode to VIDEO HIGH for |
| camera | |
| |
| Sets video loss mode automatically for |
| called camera | |
| |
| Sets DBVL mode for all cameras |
| automatically and transfers settings to the | |
| CPUs to synchronize databases |
| Updates video loss mode settings of all |
| cameras from matrix switcher to the Video | |
| Loss Detection module |
| Clears the video loss mode for all cameras |
| Function |
| Action |
| Downloads video loss mode of called |
| camera from VLD module to matrix switcher | |
| |
| Transfers video loss mode of all cameras |
| |
| from VLD module to matrix switcher | |
| |
| End Pattern Definition |
| Define Pattern 1 |
| Define Pattern 2 |
| Define Pattern 3 |
| Save New Pattern |
| Clear Pattern 1 |
| Clear Pattern 2 |
| Clear Pattern 3 |
| Frees remote PTZ slots |
| Resets all Alarms |
| Displays current arming code for selected |
| monitor | |
| |
| SSI Monitor Arming(1) |
| SSA Monitor Arming(1) |
| SSM Monitor Arming(1) |
| SHI Monitor Arming(1) |
| SHA Monitor Arming(1) |
| SHM Monitor Arming(1) |
| BSI Monitor Arming(1) |
| BSA Monitor Arming(1) |
| BSM Monitor Arming(1) |
| BHI Monitor Arming(1) |
| BHA Monitor Arming(1) |
| BHM Monitor Arming(1) |
| DHI/DSI Monitor Arming(1) |
| DHA/DSA Monitor Arming(1) |
| DHM/DSM Monitor Arming(1) |
| Disarm Monitor |
| Enable Manual Override |
| Disable Manual Override |
| Transfer Macro from keyboard to system |
| Transfer Macro from system to keyboard |
(1)For an explanation of monitor arming codes, refer to APPENDIX I: Monitor Arming Codes on page 76.
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