Note: When you click the Write Configuration To Selected MPCPUs and/or Files button, each IP address is checked to ensure it has a properly formatted IP address. If either IP address has an invalid IP address format, you will receive a warning message. You will need to correct the invalid format before continuing.
Figure 48. Invalid IP Address message box
14.Choose one of the following:
•If you want to enable user logins, go section Adding a User Login below.
•If you do not want to enable user logins, your system is ready to use.
Adding a User Login
When you create a user login, the CPU login request function is enabled. Users must log in to be able to read and write configuration data.
To create a user login:
1.With EASY CPU started and a configuration file open, click Edit in the dropdown menu bar.
2.Click User Logins…. The EASY CPU – Login Manager dialog box appears.
Figure 49. Login Manager dialog
3.Click New User…. The Login Properties dialog box appears (Figure 50).
Figure 50. Login Properties dialog
4.Complete the Login ID, Password, and Confirm fields in the Login Properties dialog box for the new user.
5.In the Access Level field, click on the scroll buttons to choose the appropriate access level for the new user (1 being the lowest level, 9 being the highest level).
Note: The Access Level field is grayed out for the first user so that user will have all administrator privileges. This field is available to set access levels for subsequent users.
CAUTION: Be sure that at least one user has an access level of 9. Failure to maintain such a user might lock users out of the system and require a system reinstallation.
6.Click OK to save the new user properties or Cancel to close the dialog box without saving the properties.
7.Repeat this process for all users for whom logins are desired.
Note: You also can modify or delete users in the Login Properties dialog box whenever buttons are not grayed out.
8.Be sure to save these changes and write the modified configuration file to the CPU.
Note: With the user login function enabled, all newly initiated program sessions will require users to log in before reading or writing configuration data.
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