•Video State – Indicates the video loss level detected.
•Sync State – Indicates whether a video sync signal is detected.
•Tour No. – Indicates the number of a Tour currently loaded or running on the monitor.
•Site No. – Indicates the site
Camera Status
The Camera Status screen displays information about the state and synchronization of each camera’s video. The information is for reference only and cannot be edited.
Note: The camera status information is loaded as required. Initially the fields are empty. As you page up or down, the screen will be populated from requests made to the MegaPower CPU unit. This allows you to only view what is needed.
Tool tips
Click on the Status – Camera Status link in the Explore menu to begin. The following screen appears.
Figure 55. Camera status screen
The Camera Status screen provides the following information:
•MPCPU A / MPCPU B – Radio buttons that enable you to select and view the status of the cameras connected to the chosen MegaPower CPU.
•Video Input – Displays the number of the physical video input connector on the rear panel of the MegaPower system.
•Camera No. – Displays the number that the camera is referenced by on the keyboard and in the EASY CPU configuration.
•Title 1 – Displays on the monitor the first line of a camera title when the camera is called.
•Title 2 – Displays on the monitor the second line of a camera title when the camera is called.
•Video State – Indicates the current video state of the camera:
−Yes – Video is detected
−No – Video loss detected
−Don’t Care – Video loss detection not configured, or no communication exists to video loss card.
•Sync State – Indicates the synchronization state of the video signal to the selected camera and is used in connection with the video loss setup:
−Yes – Video synchronization present
−No – Video synchronization not present
−Don’t Care – Video synchronization portion of
the video signal is ignored.
Note: The camera status screen columns for Dome/PTZ
−Yes – Dome/PTZ is currently answering polls
−No – Dome/PTZ has answered polls since system
−– (dash) – Dome/PTZ has not answered a poll since
−(blank) – Camera is not configured for a direct MegaPower CPU dome/PTZ connection.
•Dome/PTZ Connection– Displays codes identifying the connection type: M for Manchester, S for SensorNet, and R for
•Dome/PTZ Address – Displays the address configured for the dome.
•Mnemonic – Displays a
•Flash Version No. – Displays the
•Device Type – Identifies the dome CPU board type; for example, 0150 for SDU 8.
•Device Serial Number – Displays the
•Device Date of Manufacture – Displays the
Passive Hot Switch Status
The Passive Hot Switch Status screen displays the
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