CMYK. Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black: K is used for black because B is used to represent blue in RGB.
cpi. Characters per inch.
cpl. Characters per line.
dpi. Dots per inch (printer resolution).
DOS. Disk Operating System.
LED. Light Emitting Diode.
PCL3C. Hewlett Packard Printer Command Language.
RGB. Red/Green/Blue.
RH. Relative humidity.
Cotton bond paper. Paper with a high proportion of cotton fiber. Usually this is a
Dither. A method by which dots are combined on a page to produce a wide spectrum of colors or gray tones.
Font. A character or set of characters having the same typeface, size and style: e.g.,
Ink Jet. One nozzle of an ink jet printer head.
Ink Jet Printer. A type printer that heats the ink to a boiling point in a nozzle to form a bubble. When the ink expands, the ink is projected onto the paper.
Internal Fonts. Fonts which are resident in the printer.
Parallel Interface. An interface that transmits multiple bits simultaneously.
Parallel Port. A parallel interface port (generally designated LPT1:, LPT2:, etc.) on the back of a PC system or unit, most often used to connect a printer.
Print Drivers. Software which interfaces between the printer and computer and controls the printer’s attributes.
Printhead Nozzles. The orifices in an ink jet printhead from which the ink is expelled.
Resident Fonts. Fonts residing in the printer: same as internal fonts.
Resolution. The degree of fine detail in printing, expressed in dots per inch (dpi). The higher the dpi, the greater the detailed fineness of the printed image. The lower the dpi, the coarser the printed image will appear.