Operation Panel: This section will acquaint you with the buttons and indicators on the operation panel that are for use only with the printer. It also outlines how to access the various printer control functions.
Installation: This section shows you how to connect your computer to the printer and check that it is working properly. It also tells you how to install the various optional kits that you can get for your printer, such as extra memory.
Basic Operations: This section shows you how to perform basic operations, such as resetting the printer and switching it on or off line.
Selecting the Emulation Mode: This section tells you how to select one of the emula- tion modes.
Adjusting the Printer Settings: This section shows you how to modify the machine’s settings.
Solving Problems: This section explains any error messages that may appear on the screen while you are using your fax machine as a printer. It also tells you how to solve some common problems. However, for mechanical problems such as paper jams, refer to your fax machine’s Operator’s Manual.
Appendix A. Specifications: This contains a list of the printer’s most important specifi- cations. Also see the Specifications section in your fax machine’s manual.
Appendix B. HP Emulation Mode: This section contains technical information on the HP LaserJet emulation mode. It also shows you how to
Appendix C. Epson Emulation Modes: This section is similar to Appendix B, except that it deals with the Epson emulation modes.
Appendix D. Optional Font Cards and Cartridges: This section gives details about the optional cards and cartridges that you can use with this printer interface kit.
Appendix E. List of Features: This section lists up all the features that can be ad- justed with "Selectype" mode, along with their factory settings.
Appendix F. Connector Pin Configuration: This section shows the names of the sig- nals present on the serial and parallel connectors at the back of the machine. Show this to a technician if you are having problems.
Appendix G: Status Sheet: This gives a sample status sheet printout.