To monitor the printer’s status, look at the display panel. The various messages that ap - pear on the display panel are explained on page 44. Also, there are three indicators for use only with the printer. See your fax machine’s operator’s manual to see where these are on your fax machine. The indicators are as follows.
Line Fail indicator
This indicator flashes when a printing error is detected. An error message appears on the display (see page 44 for details concerning error messages).
Feed indicator
❐If this indicator is flashing rapidly: The printer is receiving data from the com - puter, or receiving data and printing previously received data at the same time.
❐If this indicator is lit and the printer is printing: All data has been received and printout is in progress.
❐If this indicator is lit and the printer is not printing: Data has been received and stored in the printer’s buffer, but it has not yet been printed. See Form Feed
(page 14).
❐If this indicator is flashing slowly: The printer is receiving data through an chan -
nel other than the currently selected channel, using Autosense mode (see page 13 for more details on channels and Autosense mode).
On Line indicator
This indicator is lit when the printer is on line , indicating that the printer is ready to re - ceive data. If the printer is off line, the indicator is out. The indicator flashes while the printer is switching between on and off line status.
The display on the operation panel shows the printer’s current status. When the ma - chine is in printer "READY:" mode , the bottom line of the display should appear some - thing like the following.
READY indicates standby mode.
This indicates the currently active channel (P: Parallel, S: Serial).
This indicates the emulation mode that is currently selected for this channel.