Epson 60 manual Caring for Cards, Selecting a font with the Selectype Font procedure

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Caring for Cards

Observe the following precautions.

Do not drop, crush, or bend cards. The card’s natural curvature does not affect its operation, so do not try to straighten a card by bending it.

Avoid touching the small gold contacts on the card’s edge.

If the card gets dirty, clean the connectors by wiping the edge with a clean tissue. Do not use water, alcohol, or other solvents.

Keep the cards in their cases and anti-static bags when you are not using them.

Do not store cards in direct sunlight or near a source of heat. Font cards can with - stand temperatures ranging from -30 to 65 °C (-20 to 150 °F), and can tolerate up to 90% humidity.

Be careful when you insert and remove a card. You can damage it by attempting to insert it the wrong way or by using too much force. Follow the procedures on page 11 when inserting or removing a card.

Using Font Cards

- Selecting a font with your application software -

When the printer is in 3/P/Si (HP LaserJet) mode, you can use your application soft - ware to select the fonts you wish to use. First, be sure to select HP LaserJet IIIP or a similar printer from the program’s installation or printer selection menu. For a list of the printer types that you can specify with your software, see pages 16 and 17. After you set up your application software, you can specify the fonts you need to use from within the program.

If your program does not provide commands that allow you to select the font you need, you can use the FONT feature (see pages B- 5 and C-2) or you can use printer com - mand sequences (see pages B- 21 and C-8).

- Selecting a font with the Selectype FONT procedure -

Using Selectype, you can only select one font for the entire document , whereas appli - cation packages often allow you to select more than one font within the same docu - ment.

Only those fonts designed for the currently selected orientation (portrait or landscape) will appear on the display.

You can use the SAVE MACRO routine to store the font setting if you wish to have a font from a font card as the default font.


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Contents Printer Interface Type OPERATOR’S Manual Page Contents Selectype Level 2 Features Selectype Level 1 FeaturesSave Macro Load Macro Poweron Macro Delete Macro Test Print Mode AssignUsing Selectype Mode to Adjust the HP Emulation Mode Table of SpecificationsHP Emulation Mode VS HP Laserjet Available Fonts and Symbol SetsFont Cards and Emulation Mode Cards Using Selectype Mode to Adjust Epson LQ and FX EmulationLQ and FX Emulation Command Summary Operating AS AN LQ or FX PrinterIntroduction About the Printer InterfaceIntroduction Conventions About this Manual Operation Panel ButtonsIndicators DisplayInstallation Installing the Interface KITConnection to the Computer Testing the Printer Printing a TestFor full information about macros See pages 31 to Optional Kits Memory Expansion BoardOptional Font and Emulation Mode Cards Optional Font Cartridges Connecting the Printer to TWO Computers Multi-user ModesBasic Operations Turning the Printer on Line and OFF LineForm Feed Resetting the Printer Selecting the Cassette for Computer PrintingSelecting the Emulation Mode HP Laserjet III Emulation ModeOverview Changing the Emulation Mode Using the Mode Assign FeatureEpson LQ and FX Emulation Modes Using an Emulation Control Language Epson Job Language EJLEither ESC SOH@EJL Enter LANGUAGE=LJ-3REM Copy HP.TXT LPT1 ClosePrinter Job Language Adjusting the Printer Settings IntroductionLevel 2 Features Using Selectype Mode Display Sample Selectype Procedure Display the required setting for this feature Selectype Level 1 Features Copies InputSize Available Options 1 toFont SUB ConfigOrient Status SheetSystem Config Full PrintPaper Size Setting Memory LeftOffset and L-OFFSET Save Macro Load Macro Poweron Macro Delete MacroMode Assign Selectype Level 2 FeaturesHow to Enter Selectype Level Test PrintCONFIG. Interface Configuration Parallel ChannelAvailable Options ON, OFF Serial Channel Available Options 8-bit or 7-bitAvailable Options 1 or RX-BUFFER Size Receive Buffer Size CH Channel If you selected Autosense If you selected IndividualCH Timeout Channel Timeout Config Save Power-up Configuration Auto Cont Auto ContinueFactory Reset VersionCounter StandbyChange PCU Solving ProblemsStatus and Error Messages Char CreatingGraphic Drawing Feed JAMFont Creating InitializeReinsert Card Paper Size ErrorPrinting Remove CardToner LOW Startup ErrorSET Full Print Toner OUTPrinting Problems On-line/off-line indicator is offPaper OUT or Toner OUT is displayed Some or all of the output is garbled or printed as asterisks Problems with Graphics You cannot print graphics using the serial channelProblems with Selectype Mode Desired Selectype settings are not displayedProblems with Optional Cards and Cartridges Data Dump Mode ESC R Appendix A. Specifications Appendix B. HP Emulation Mode HP Emulation Modevs HP LaserjetPrintable Area Paper Handling Fonts Font name in HP emulation modeCharacter Clipping Downloaded FontsSymbol Sets Esc # Esc s#P Esc s#B Esc s#S Esc s#TOperating AS a Laserjet IIISi Using Selectype Mode to Adjust the HP Emulation Mode Orient Page OrientationAppendix B. HP Emulation Mode Available Options 0 to Attribute Bitmap Scalable Available Fonts and Symbol SetsFont Name Spacing Height Typeface Style Weight Resident Bitmap FontsFont Name Symbol Set Height pt Typeface Style Weight Resident Scalable FontsAppendix B. HP Emulation Mode IBM-US 10U IBM-DN 11U PcMultilingual 12U Legal 1U ISO Ansi Ascii 0U Ventura International 13J Ventura US 14J PS Math 5M PS Text 10J Math-8 8M Pi Font 15U Microsoft Publishing 6J Windows 9U Desktop 7J Ve Zapf Dingbats 9L Ps Zapf Dingbats 10L Zd 100 11L Zd 200 12L Zd 300 13L HP Emulation Command Summary Orientation Printer commands arranged by topicControl codes Font selectionESC9K ESC2KESC8K ESC0LLength, page size, text length MarginsOffset Half-line feed Perforation skip modeVertical line spacing Specialized printer controlPush/Pop position Font managementMacros Raster graphicsLine and fill attributes group GL/2 mode Configuration and status groupVector graphics Vector groupAppendix C. Epson LQ and FX Emulation Modes Operating AS AN LQ or FX PrinterPaper Size Using Selectype to Adjust Epson LQ and FX Emulation Paper Size Condensed Portrait Landscape 10 cpi 12 cpi 15 cpi Appendix C. Epson LQ and FX Emulation Modes Appendix C. Epson LQ and FX Emulation Modes Font Name Pitch cpi Orientation Character SetsPc USA Epson International Character Sets ESC G/ESC E LQ and FX Emulation Command SummaryESC U SI/ESC SIDEL CanESC EM Printer operation Data controlVertical motion Overall printing style Horizontal motionPrint position Print size and character widthCharacter tables Word processingESC SP User-defined charactersAppendix D. Optional Font Cards and Cartridges Font Cards and Emulation Mode CardsEmulation Mode Cards Font CardsSelecting a font with the Selectype Font procedure Caring for CardsUsing a font card and a font cartridge at the same time When the printer is in 3/P/Si modeWhen the printer is in LQ or FX mode Using the Epson GL Emulation Mode CardRecovering from a Card Error Font CartridgesAvailable Font Cartridges Maker Cartridge Number Recovering from a cartridge error Appendix E. List of Features LevelTest Print Si Emulation Mode JIS ASCEpson LQ or FX Emulation Mode Appendix F. Connector PIN Configuration Parallel Interface Pin Number Signal NameSerial Interface Pin Number Signal Name Pin assignments for typical ATs and compatibles Appendix G. Status Sheet Following is an example of a status sheet printout