8.The display shows Ô: NEW : USEDÕ. Press Start/Copy to confirm ÔNEWÕ.
For a used cartridge, press ¹ or to choose ÔUSEDÕ, then press Start/Copy.
9.The display asks if you want to run a SELF TEST. Press Start/Copy to run the printer self test.
If you press Stop, the machine returns to Standby Mode.
10.The machine prints a test pattern.
Examine the test pattern and look for a break in the diagonal line. For a sample pattern, see page 2.9. A broken line shows any clogged nozzles. Run the nozzle test. See page 8.7.
| 2 |
| MNO |
6 |
| Start/ |
| 3 | Copy |
| WXYZ |
9 | 4 |
| SELF | TEST? |
| 2 |
| MNO |
6 |
| Start/ |
| 3 | Copy |
| WXYZ |
9 | 4 |
Note : When you put in a new cartridge, you must choose ÔNEWÕ. When you put in a used cartridge, choose ÔUSEDÕ, this helps you check the amount of ink you have left. If you mix up several used cartridges, it will be difficult to check the amount of remaining ink. Once you have put in a new print cartridge, use it until it is completely out of ink.