Country/Area Code List for Parental Lock
AD | Andorra | CK | Cook Islands | GN | Guinea |
AE | United Arab Emirates | CL | Chile | GP | Guadeloupe |
AF | Afghanistan | CM | Cameroon | GQ | Equatorial Guinea |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | CN | China | GR | Greece |
AI | Anguilla | CO | Colombia | GS | South Georgia and the South |
| Sandwich Islands |
AL | Albania | CR | Costa Rica | GT | Guatemala |
AM | Armenia | CU | Cuba | GU | Guam |
AN | Netherlands Antilles | CV | Cape Verde | GW | |
AO | Angola | CX | Christmas Island | GY | Guyana |
AQ | Antarctica | CY | Cyprus | HK | Hong Kong |
AR | Argentina | CZ | Czech Republic | HM | Heard Island and McDonald |
| Islands |
AS | American Samoa | DE | Germany | HN | Honduras |
AT | Austria | DJ | Djibouti | HR | Croatia |
AU | Australia | DK | Denmark | HT | Haiti |
AW | Aruba | DM | Dominica | HU | Hungary |
AZ | Azerbaijan | DO | Dominican Republic | ID | Indonesia |
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | DZ | Algeria | IE | Ireland |
BB | Barbados | EC | Ecuador | IL | Israel |
BD | Bangladesh | EE | Estonia | IN | India |
BE | Belgium | EG | Egypt | IO | British Indian Ocean Territory |
BF | Burkina Faso | EH | Western Sahara | IQ | Iraq |
BG | Bulgaria | ER | Eritrea | IR | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
BH | Bahrain | ES | Spain | IS | Iceland |
BI | Burundi | ET | Ethiopia | IT | Italy |
BJ | Benin | FI | Finland | JM | Jamaica |
BM | Bermuda | FJ | Fiji | JO | Jordan |
BN | Brunei Darussalam | FK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | JP | Japan |
BO | Bolivia | FM | Micronesia | KE | Kenya |
| (Federated States of) |
BR | Brazil | FO | Faroe Islands | KG | Kyrgyzstan |
BS | Bahamas | FR | France | KH | Cambodia |
BT | Bhutan | FX | France, Metropolitan | KI | Kiribati |
BV | Bouvet Island | GA | Gabon | KM | Comoros |
BW | Botswana | GB | United Kingdom | KN | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
BY | Belarus | GD | Grenada | KP | Korea, Democratic People’s |
| Republic of |
BZ | Belize | GE | Georgia | KR | Korea, Republic of |
CA | Canada | GF | French Guiana | KW | Kuwait |
CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | GH | Ghana | KY | Cayman Islands |
CF | Central African Republic | GI | Gibraltar | KZ | Kazakhstan |
CG | Congo | GL | Greenland | LA | Lao People’s Democratic |
| Republic |
CH | Switzerland | GM | Gambia | LB | Lebanon |
CI | Côte d’Ivoire |