Download/upload of the language data from/to the recorder Language Data Download/Upload (Maintenance – Language Data Download/Upload)
It is possible to download/upload the customized language data from/to the recorder. The default language of the custom language is English.
Select "Language Data Download/Upload" under "Maintenance" from the
→The "Language Data Download/Upload" window will be displayed.
Download the language data
Step 1
Click the [Download] button.
Step 2
Designate the directory in which the language data is to be downloaded (default name: RT4Lang.txt), and then click the [Save] button.
→Download of the language data will start.
Upload the language data
Click the [Choose File] button, and then select the language data to be uploaded.
Step 1
Click the [Upload] button.
→Upload of the language data will start.
•Available characters for the custom language are as follows. (Some characters may not be displayed.)
•Basic Latin, Latin
•Depending on the number of characters, it may fail to upload of the custom language data.
•The character code of a file to be uploaded shall be