■ Video Format Setup
Select a video format.
■ Choose Directory
Designate the directory in which downloaded recorded images or captured images are to be stored.
■ Transport Type
Select "TCP" or "UDP" for the communications protocol.
Default: TCP
The following is added to "■ Transport Type".
When selecting "UDP", only one recorder can be connected to the PC.
Step 2
When completing the settings, click the [Apply] button.
Monitor System Version
Select "Monitor System Version" from the
The current version of the monitoring software will be displayed.
Select "Language" from the
(The current display language has been selected during the process of the installation.) Select the display language from the following.
Chinese, Custom, English, Japanese
The default language of the custom language is English.
It is possible to customize the characters to be displayed by editing the "Cst.ini" file in the "RT4 Monitoring Software" folder. (The directory path is "C:\Program Files\Panasonic\RT4 Monitoring Software".)
•Depending on the language setting of Windows, the customized characters may not be displayed correctly. Do not edit any files other than the "Cst.ini" file.
•When editing of the file is complete, save it with