JVC AV29BF10EES manual Preparation, Before Switching on your TV, Switching the TV ON/OFF

Page 5


Place TV on a solid surface.

For ventilation, leave a space of at least 10 cm free all around the set. To prevent any fault and unsafe situations, please do not place any objects on top of the set.


It is a remote controlled color television.

100 programmes from VHF, UHF bands or cable channels can be preset.

It can tune cable channels.

Controlling the TV is very easy by its menu driven system.

It has two Euroconnector sockets for external devices (such as video recorder, video games, audio set, etc.)

Front AV Input available.

Stereo sound systems (German+Nicam) are available.

Full function Teletext (Fastext, Toptext).

It is possible to connect headphone.

Direct channel access.

APS (Automatic Programming System).

All programmes can be named.

Forward or backward automatic tuning.

Sleep timer.

Child lock.

Automatic sound mute when no transmission.

5 minutes after the broadcasting (closedown), the TV switches itself automatically to stand-by mode.

Before Switching on your TV

Power connection

Important: The TV set is designed to operate on 220-240 V AC, 50 Hz.

After unpacking, allow the TV set to reach the ambient room temperature before you connect the set to the mains.

Aerial Connections

Connect the aerial plug to the aerial input socket located at the back of the TV.

How to connect the external equipments

See “Connect the External Equipments” on page 11.

See the instruction manuals provided with the external de- vices too.

Inserting batteries in the remote control handset

Remove the battery cover located on the back of the hand- set by gently pulling upwards from the indicated part.

Insert two AAA (R03) or equivalent type batteries inside.

Replace the battery cover.

NOTE: Remove batteries from remote control handset when it is not to be used for a long period. Otherwise it can be damaged due to any leakage of batteries.

Switching the TV ON/OFF

You can operate your TV either using the remote control handset or directly using the TV onset buttons.

To switch the TV on

Your TV will switch on in two steps:

1- Press the power button located on the front of the TV. Then the TV switches itself to standby mode and the RED LED located below the TV turns on.

2- To switch on the TV from stand-by mode either:

Press a digit button on the remote control so that a program- me number is selected,


Press Standby / Power Button or Programme Up and Down buttons on the front of the TV or on the remote control re- spectively, so the TV will switch on and the RED Led will turn


To switch the TV off

Press the stand-by button on the remote control, so the TV will switch to stand-by mode and the GREEN LED will be-

come RED, or,

• Press the power button located on the front of the TV.

Initial Settings

The message "Please check antenna cable Auto. Pro- gramming System" will be displayed when you turn on your TV for the first time.

1- Select LANGUAGE with the “

“ or “ ” button, then

press the “ ” or “ ” button to select a menu language.

2- Select COUNTRY with the “

“ or “ ” button, then

press the “” or “” button to select the country you are now located.

3- Select START with the “

“ or “

” button, then press

the “ ” button to start APS.



APS (Automatic Programming System) automatically pro- grammes the received channels in your TV’s programme numbers. During APS, "A. P. S. IS RUNNING PLEASE WAIT" will be displayed. After APS is finalized, the “PRO- GRAM.” menu appears.

To cancel APS, press "STANDARD" button.

You can delete a channel, insert a channel into a programme number, or re-start APS with the “PROGRAM.” menu.

For details, see “PROGRAM. (Programming) Menu” on page 8.

4- Press the "STANDARD" button to complete the initial set- tings.

After the initial settings are complete, you can change a pro- gramme number or to name a programme number or to pro- gramme new channel manually. For details, see “TUNING Menu” on page 7.

If the message "Please check antenna cable Auto. Pro- gramming System" does not appear, follow the description “TV CONFIG. (configration) Menu” on page 8 to select a menu language and the country where you are now located, then follow the description “PROGRAM. (Programming) Menu” on page 8 to use AUTOSTORE.


Image 5
Contents Page Contents Safety Precautions Risk of Electric Shock Remote Control ButtonsControl Panel Buttons Antenna Connections Switching the TV ON/OFF Before Switching on your TVInitial Settings PreparationMenu System Operating with Remote ControlOperating with the onset buttons Sound MenuPicture Menu Feature MenuSleep Timer Installation MenuTuning Menu Child LockProgram. Programming Menu TV Config. Configration MenuTeletext Other FeaturesTo Select Index To select a page of TeletextSearching for a Channel while watching TV To Select Double Height TextFront AV Before connecting anythingConnect the External Equipments Tips Specifications Œrodki ostro¿noœci Spis treœciRyzyko PORA¯ENIA PR¥DEM Przyciski pilotaPrzyciski panelu sterowania Antena Zanim w³¹czysz telewizor Przygotowanie³¹czanie i wy³¹czanie telewizora Ustawienia pocz¹tkoweObs³uga za pomoc¹ przycisków panelu sterowania System menuObs³uga za pomoc¹ pilota Menu DŸwiêkMenu Obraz Menu Instalacja Menu Wyposa¿enieZmiana bie¿¹cych ustawieñ programu np. zmiana nazwy itp Menu Spis ProgramówUsuwanie kana³u zachowanego pod numerem programu Wstawianie kana³u pod numer programuWy³¹czanie dŸwiêku Inne funkcjeStereo / Dwujêzyczny Informacje na ekraniePrzyciski obs³ugi VCR / DVD i prze³¹cznik VCR / / DVD TeletekstObs³uga teletekstu Wybór strony teletekstuWyszukiwanie kana³u podczas ogl¹dania telewizji Wybór strony indeksowejWybór tekstu o podwójnej wysokoœci Wyœwietlanie ukrytych informacjiZanim pod³¹czysz urz¹dzenie zewnêtrzne Pod³¹czanie urz¹dzeñ zewnêtrznychWskazówki MOC Wyjœciowego SYGNA£U Audio Dane techniczneLiczba Zaprogramowanych KANA£ÓW Bezpeènostní opatøení ObsahNebezpeèí Úrazu Elektrickým Proudem Tlaèítka dálkového ovladaèeTlaèítka ovládacího panelu Pøipojení antény Než zapnete televizor PøípravaZapnutí/vypnutí televizoru Poèáteèní nastaveníObsluha pomocí tlaèítek na televizoru Systém menuMenu Zvuk Obsluha pomocí dálkového ovladaèeNastavení balance Nastavení úrovnì výšekNastavení Efekt Zmìna nastavení obrazuMenu Instalace Menu DoplòkyÈasovaè Automatické vypínání Pojistka Dìtský zámekMenu TV Konfig Menu ProgramDalší funkce Volba stránky s obsahem Volba teletextové stránkyHledání kanálu pøi sledování televize Volba dvojnásobné výšky teletextuPøed pøipojením èehokoliv Pøipojení externích zaøízeníTipy Zvukový Výstup SpecifikacePoèet Pøedem Nastavených KANÁLÙ.......100 Biztonsági óvintézkedések TartalomVillamos Áramütés Kockázata Távkapcsoló gombokVezérlõpult gombok Antenna csatlakozások TV bekapcsolása elõtt ElõkészítésTV be- és kikapcsolása AlapbeállításÜzemeltetés a beállító gombokkal MenürendszerHang Menü Üzemeltetés távkapcsolóvalKép Menü Hangolás Menü Szolgáltatás MenüBeállítás Menü Csatorna felvétele a programhelyre Program MenüCsatorna törlése a programhelyrõl Elnémítás Egyéb jellemzõkSztereó / Kétnyelvû Információ a képernyõnTeletext oldal kiválasztása Teletext mûködtetéseTartalomjegyzék oldal kiválasztása Csatorna keresése TV-nézés közbenFastext és Toptext Kilépés a Teletext-bõlFastext és Toptext TOPTEXT-hezMielõtt bármit csatlakoztatna Külsõ készülékek csatlakoztatásaTippek Specifikációk Ìåðêè çà áåçîïàñíîñò ÑúäúðæàíèåÂíèìàíèå Êîï÷åòà íà óñòðîéñòâîòî çà äèñòàíöèîííî óïðàâëåíèåÊîï÷åòà âúðõó êîðïóñà íà òåëåâèçîðà Ñâúðçâàíå êúì àíòåíà Ïðåäè äà âêëþ÷èòå òåëåâèçîðà ñè ÏîäãîòîâêàÂêëþ÷âàíå / èçêëþ÷âàíå íà òåëåâèçîðà Ïúðâîíà÷àëíà íàñòðîéêàÐàáîòà ñ êîï÷åòàòà âúðõó êîðïóñà íà òåëåâèçîðà Ðàáîòà ñ ìåíþòàÐàáîòà ñ óñòðîéñòâîòî çà äèñòàíöèîííî óïðàâëåíèå Ìåíþ ÇâóêÇàäàâàíå íà áàñîâèòå ÷åñòîòè Ìåíþ ÈçîáðàæåíèåÌåíþ Èíñòàëèðàíå Ìåíþ ÑâîéñòâàÐú÷íî çàäàâàíå íà êàíàë íà òåëåâèçèîííà ïðîãðàìà Èçêëþ÷âàíå íà çâóêà Äðóãè ôóíêöèèÑòåðåî / Äâà åçèêà Èíôîðìàöèÿ íà åêðàíàÒåëåòåêñò Èçâåæäàíå íà ñêðèòà èíôîðìàöèÿ Èçáèðàíå íà òåêñò ñ äâîéíà âèñî÷èíàÑïèðàíå íà àâòîìàòè÷íàòà ñìÿíà íà ñòðàíèöèòå Èçáèðàíå íà ïîäñòðàíèöàÏðåäè äà ñâúðæåòå êîå äà å óñòðîéñòâî Ñâúðçâàíå íà âúíøíè óñòðîéñòâàÏîëåçíè ñúâåòè Òåõíè÷åñêè õàðàêòåðèñòèêè Cuprins Evitarea riscului unor accidente Risc DE Electrocutare Butoanele telecomenziiButoanele panoului de control Conectarea antenei Înainte de a conecta aparatul dvs TV PregãtireOrnirea / Oprirea aparatului TV Reglare iniþialãOperaþiuni cu butoanele de pe televizor Sistem de meniuOperaþiuni cu telecomanda Sunet MeniuMeniu Imagine Meniul Instalare Functii Suplimentare MeniuPentru a aloca unui canal un numãr de program Meniul ProgramarePentru a ºterge un canal dintr-un numãr de program Alte caracteristici Pentru a selecta o paginã de Teletext Pentru a opera sistemul TeletextCum puteþi dubla înãlþimea textului Cum selectaþi pagina IndexCum puteþi dezvãlui informaþii ascunse Pentru a bloca shimbarea automatã de paginãÎnainte de a conecta orice Conectarea echipamentului externPentru a selecta un mod AV Frontal AV RomanianInformaþii utile UHF Banda U SpecificaþiiNumãrul Canalelor ÎN Memorie Putere Emisie Audio