JVC AV29BF10EES manual To select a page of Teletext, To Select Index, To Select Double Height Text

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To select a page of Teletext

Press the appropriate digit buttons for the required Teletext page number.

The selected page number is displayed at the top left corner of the screen. The Teletext page counter searches until the selected page number is located, so that the desired page is displayed on the screen.

• Press ““ button to move the Teletext screen forward one page at a time.

Press “” button to move the Teletext screen backward one page at a time.

To Select Index Page

To select the page number of the index (generally page 100), press ““ button.

Searching for a Channel while watching TV

In the Teletext mode pressing ““ button will switch the screen to the TV mode. In the TV mode enter a page num- ber using digit keys. As you enter last digit of page number,

” sign will replace the page number and flash until the entered page number is found. Then the page number will

replace “” sign again. Now you can display this teletext page pressing ““ button.

To Select Double Height Text

Press ““ button for the top half of the information page to be displayed in double height text.

Press ““ button again for the bottom half of the informa- tion page to be displayed in double height text.

Press ““ button once more for the full page of normal height text.

To Reveal “concealed” Information

Pressing ““ button once will reveal answers on a quiz or games page.

Pressing ““ button again will conceal the revealed an- swers.

To Stop Automatic Page Change

The teletext page you have selected may contain more infor- mation than what is on the screen; the rest of the information will be displayed after a period of time.

Press ““ button to stop the automatic page change.

Press ““ button again to allow the next page to be dis- played.

To Select a Subcode Page

Subcode pages are subsections of long Teletext pages that can only be displayed on the screen one section at a time.

Select the required Teletext page.

Press ““ button.

Select the required subcode page number by pressing four digit buttons (e.g. 0001).

If the selected subcode page is not displayed in a short

time, press ““ button. TV programme will be displayed on the screen.

Teletext page number will be displayed on the upper left cor- ner of the screen when the selected page is found.

Press ““ button to display the selected Teletext page.

To exit Teletext

• Press “” button. The screen will switch to TV mode.

Fastext and Toptext

Teletext mode will be selected according to transmission au- tomatically.

Your CTV supports the 8 page Teletext system. When the page number of any of the 8 pages in memory is entered, the system will not search for the requested page; instead it will display the page automatically.

• Press ““ button to move the Teletext screen forward one page at a time.

Press “” button to move the Teletext screen backward one page at a time.

For Fastext and Toptext

The subject-heading for the information may have a particular colour or can be in a form located in a coloured box.

Press an appropriate RED, GREEN, YELLOW or BLUE but- ton in order to reach the relevant page quickly.


If Toptext transmission is present, colour coded buttons will appear in status row.

If Toptext transmission is not present, status row will not ap- pear.

In Toptext mode the ““ or “” commands will request the next or previous page respectively. If Toptext transmission is not available, in case of operation of these commands, wraparound occurs. For example page 100 appears to be one greater than page 199.

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Contents Page Contents Safety Precautions Risk of Electric Shock Remote Control ButtonsControl Panel Buttons Antenna Connections Preparation Before Switching on your TVSwitching the TV ON/OFF Initial SettingsSound Menu Operating with Remote ControlMenu System Operating with the onset buttonsPicture Menu Feature MenuChild Lock Installation MenuSleep Timer Tuning MenuProgram. Programming Menu TV Config. Configration MenuTeletext Other FeaturesTo Select Double Height Text To select a page of TeletextTo Select Index Searching for a Channel while watching TVFront AV Before connecting anythingConnect the External Equipments Tips Specifications Œrodki ostro¿noœci Spis treœciRyzyko PORA¯ENIA PR¥DEM Przyciski pilotaPrzyciski panelu sterowania Antena Ustawienia pocz¹tkowe PrzygotowanieZanim w³¹czysz telewizor ³¹czanie i wy³¹czanie telewizoraMenu DŸwiêk System menuObs³uga za pomoc¹ przycisków panelu sterowania Obs³uga za pomoc¹ pilotaMenu Obraz Menu Instalacja Menu Wyposa¿enieWstawianie kana³u pod numer programu Menu Spis ProgramówZmiana bie¿¹cych ustawieñ programu np. zmiana nazwy itp Usuwanie kana³u zachowanego pod numerem programuInformacje na ekranie Inne funkcjeWy³¹czanie dŸwiêku Stereo / DwujêzycznyWybór strony teletekstu TeletekstPrzyciski obs³ugi VCR / DVD i prze³¹cznik VCR / / DVD Obs³uga teletekstuWyœwietlanie ukrytych informacji Wybór strony indeksowejWyszukiwanie kana³u podczas ogl¹dania telewizji Wybór tekstu o podwójnej wysokoœciZanim pod³¹czysz urz¹dzenie zewnêtrzne Pod³¹czanie urz¹dzeñ zewnêtrznychWskazówki MOC Wyjœciowego SYGNA£U Audio Dane techniczneLiczba Zaprogramowanych KANA£ÓW Bezpeènostní opatøení ObsahNebezpeèí Úrazu Elektrickým Proudem Tlaèítka dálkového ovladaèeTlaèítka ovládacího panelu Pøipojení antény Poèáteèní nastavení PøípravaNež zapnete televizor Zapnutí/vypnutí televizoruObsluha pomocí dálkového ovladaèe Systém menuObsluha pomocí tlaèítek na televizoru Menu ZvukZmìna nastavení obrazu Nastavení úrovnì výšekNastavení balance Nastavení EfektPojistka Dìtský zámek Menu DoplòkyMenu Instalace Èasovaè Automatické vypínáníMenu TV Konfig Menu ProgramDalší funkce Volba dvojnásobné výšky teletextu Volba teletextové stránkyVolba stránky s obsahem Hledání kanálu pøi sledování televizePøed pøipojením èehokoliv Pøipojení externích zaøízeníTipy Zvukový Výstup SpecifikacePoèet Pøedem Nastavených KANÁLÙ.......100 Biztonsági óvintézkedések TartalomVillamos Áramütés Kockázata Távkapcsoló gombokVezérlõpult gombok Antenna csatlakozások Alapbeállítás ElõkészítésTV bekapcsolása elõtt TV be- és kikapcsolásaÜzemeltetés távkapcsolóval MenürendszerÜzemeltetés a beállító gombokkal Hang MenüKép Menü Hangolás Menü Szolgáltatás MenüBeállítás Menü Csatorna felvétele a programhelyre Program MenüCsatorna törlése a programhelyrõl Információ a képernyõn Egyéb jellemzõkElnémítás Sztereó / KétnyelvûCsatorna keresése TV-nézés közben Teletext mûködtetéseTeletext oldal kiválasztása Tartalomjegyzék oldal kiválasztásaTOPTEXT-hez Kilépés a Teletext-bõlFastext és Toptext Fastext és ToptextMielõtt bármit csatlakoztatna Külsõ készülékek csatlakoztatásaTippek Specifikációk Ìåðêè çà áåçîïàñíîñò ÑúäúðæàíèåÂíèìàíèå Êîï÷åòà íà óñòðîéñòâîòî çà äèñòàíöèîííî óïðàâëåíèåÊîï÷åòà âúðõó êîðïóñà íà òåëåâèçîðà Ñâúðçâàíå êúì àíòåíà Ïúðâîíà÷àëíà íàñòðîéêà ÏîäãîòîâêàÏðåäè äà âêëþ÷èòå òåëåâèçîðà ñè Âêëþ÷âàíå / èçêëþ÷âàíå íà òåëåâèçîðàÌåíþ Çâóê Ðàáîòà ñ ìåíþòàÐàáîòà ñ êîï÷åòàòà âúðõó êîðïóñà íà òåëåâèçîðà Ðàáîòà ñ óñòðîéñòâîòî çà äèñòàíöèîííî óïðàâëåíèåÇàäàâàíå íà áàñîâèòå ÷åñòîòè Ìåíþ ÈçîáðàæåíèåÌåíþ Èíñòàëèðàíå Ìåíþ ÑâîéñòâàÐú÷íî çàäàâàíå íà êàíàë íà òåëåâèçèîííà ïðîãðàìà Èíôîðìàöèÿ íà åêðàíà Äðóãè ôóíêöèèÈçêëþ÷âàíå íà çâóêà Ñòåðåî / Äâà åçèêàÒåëåòåêñò Èçáèðàíå íà ïîäñòðàíèöà Èçáèðàíå íà òåêñò ñ äâîéíà âèñî÷èíàÈçâåæäàíå íà ñêðèòà èíôîðìàöèÿ Ñïèðàíå íà àâòîìàòè÷íàòà ñìÿíà íà ñòðàíèöèòåÏðåäè äà ñâúðæåòå êîå äà å óñòðîéñòâî Ñâúðçâàíå íà âúíøíè óñòðîéñòâàÏîëåçíè ñúâåòè Òåõíè÷åñêè õàðàêòåðèñòèêè Cuprins Evitarea riscului unor accidente Risc DE Electrocutare Butoanele telecomenziiButoanele panoului de control Conectarea antenei Reglare iniþialã PregãtireÎnainte de a conecta aparatul dvs TV Ornirea / Oprirea aparatului TVSunet Meniu Sistem de meniuOperaþiuni cu butoanele de pe televizor Operaþiuni cu telecomandaMeniu Imagine Meniul Instalare Functii Suplimentare MeniuPentru a aloca unui canal un numãr de program Meniul ProgramarePentru a ºterge un canal dintr-un numãr de program Alte caracteristici Pentru a selecta o paginã de Teletext Pentru a opera sistemul TeletextPentru a bloca shimbarea automatã de paginã Cum selectaþi pagina IndexCum puteþi dubla înãlþimea textului Cum puteþi dezvãlui informaþii ascunseFrontal AV Romanian Conectarea echipamentului externÎnainte de a conecta orice Pentru a selecta un mod AVInformaþii utile Putere Emisie Audio SpecificaþiiUHF Banda U Numãrul Canalelor ÎN Memorie