24)Toavoid damageto this product, neverplaceor store the TV in direct sunlight; hot, humid areas;orareas
25)Always placethe TV on the floor or a sturdy, level, stablesurfacethat cansupportthe weightof the unit.
To securethe TV,usea sturdy strap from the hook(s) on the rear of the TV to a wall stud, pillar,or other
immovablestructure. Makesure the strap is tight, secure,and parallelto the floor.
Sturdystrap(asshort aspossible)
min. Ho
TV side | TV top |
. Use extreme care to make sure you are never in a position where your body (or any item you are in contact with, such as a ladder or screwdriver) can accidentally touch overhead power lines.
Never locate the antenna near overhead power lines or other electrical circuits.
. Never attempt to install any of the following during lightning activity: a) an antenna system; or b) cables, wires, or any home theater component connected to an antenna or phone system.
iinoeex;s odii;in ..............Car8
splashingandthat no objectsfilled with liquids, such asvases,shallbe placedon the apparatus.
27)Neverblock or cover the slots or openings in the TV cabinetback, bottom, and sides. Neverplacethe TV:
•on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface;
•too closeto drapes, curtains,or walls; or
•in a confined spacesuch as a
cabinet,or anyother placewith poor ventilation.
The slotsand openingsareprovidedto protectthe TV from overheatingandto helpmaintainreliable operationof the TV.Leavea spaceof at least4 (four) inchesaroundtheTV.
28)Always placethe back of the televisionat least four
(4) inchesawayfrom anyvertical surface (such as a wall)to allow properventilation.
29)Neverallow anythingto rest on or roll overthe power cord, and never )lacethe TV wherethe power cord is subjectto wear or abuse.
30)Neveroverloadwall outletsand extensioncords.
31)Always operatethis equipmentfrom a 120VAC,60 Hzpower source only.
32)Always makesure the antennasystem is properly groundedto provide adequateprotectionagainst voltagesurges and
| Antenna |
| Antenna discharge unit |
| / (NEC Section |
| Grounding conductors |
| |
| grounding |
| electrode system |
Ground clamps | (NEC Art 250 |
Forbetterperformanceandsaferoperationof yourTOSHIBA TV,follow theserecommendationsand precautions:
32 °F (0 %) or below, the picture brightness may vary until the LCDwarms up. This is not a sign of malfunction.
35)Alwaysunplug the TV before cleaning.Gentlywipe the display panelsurface (the TV screen)using a dry, soft cloth only (cotton, flannel,etc.). A hard cloth may damagethe surface of the panel.Avoid contact with alcohol,thinner, benzene,acidic or alkaline solventcleaners,abrasive
cleaners,or chemical
cloths,which may damage ....
the surface. Neverspray | _ Ill |
volatile compoundssuch | _'>\\ |
as insecticideon the |
cabinet.Such products may damageor discolor the cabinet.
Never spill liquids or push objects of any kind into the TV cabinet slots.
37)While it is thundering, do not touch the connecting cables or apparatus.
38)For added protection of your TV from lightning
and power surges, always unplug the power cord and disconnect the antennafrom the TV if
you leave the TV unattended or unused for long periods of time.
39)ALWAYSunplug the TVto completelydisconnect from mains power.Whenthe TV is turned off using the on/off switch, it is not completelydisconnected from power and a minute amountof current is still
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