Toshiba 46G300U, 40G30U, 40G300U, 55G300U, 46G30U manual Iinoeexs odiiin ..............Car8, Ill

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24)Toavoid damageto this product, neverplaceor store the TV in direct sunlight; hot, humid areas;orareas

25)Always placethe TV on the floor or a sturdy, level, stablesurfacethat cansupportthe weightof the unit.

To securethe TV,usea sturdy strap from the hook(s) on the rear of the TV to a wall stud, pillar,or other

immovablestructure. Makesure the strap is tight, secure,and parallelto the floor.

Sturdystrap(asshort aspossible)


min. Ho

TV side

TV top


. Use extreme care to make sure you are never in a position where your body (or any item you are in contact with, such as a ladder or screwdriver) can accidentally touch overhead power lines.

Never locate the antenna near overhead power lines or other electrical circuits.

. Never attempt to install any of the following during lightning activity: a) an antenna system; or b) cables, wires, or any home theater component connected to an antenna or phone system.

iinoeex;s odii;in ..............Car8

splashingandthat no objectsfilled with liquids, such asvases,shallbe placedon the apparatus.

27)Neverblock or cover the slots or openings in the TV cabinetback, bottom, and sides. Neverplacethe TV:

on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface;

too closeto drapes, curtains,or walls; or

in a confined spacesuch as a bookcase,built-in

cabinet,or anyother placewith poor ventilation.

The slotsand openingsareprovidedto protectthe TV from overheatingandto helpmaintainreliable operationof the TV.Leavea spaceof at least4 (four) inchesaroundtheTV.

28)Always placethe back of the televisionat least four

(4) inchesawayfrom anyvertical surface (such as a wall)to allow properventilation.

29)Neverallow anythingto rest on or roll overthe power cord, and never )lacethe TV wherethe power cord is subjectto wear or abuse.

30)Neveroverloadwall outletsand extensioncords.

31)Always operatethis equipmentfrom a 120VAC,60 Hzpower source only.

32)Always makesure the antennasystem is properly groundedto provide adequateprotectionagainst voltagesurges and built-up static charges(see Section810 of the NationalElectricCode).


Antenna lead-in wire


Antenna discharge unit


/ (NEC Section 810-20)


Grounding conductors






electrode system

Ground clamps

(NEC Art 250 Part-H)

Forbetterperformanceandsaferoperationof yourTOSHIBA TV,follow theserecommendationsand precautions:

32 °F (0 %) or below, the picture brightness may vary until the LCDwarms up. This is not a sign of malfunction.

35)Alwaysunplug the TV before cleaning.Gentlywipe the display panelsurface (the TV screen)using a dry, soft cloth only (cotton, flannel,etc.). A hard cloth may damagethe surface of the panel.Avoid contact with alcohol,thinner, benzene,acidic or alkaline solventcleaners,abrasive

cleaners,or chemical

cloths,which may damage ....

the surface. Neverspray

_ Ill

volatile compoundssuch


as insecticideon the


cabinet.Such products may damageor discolor the cabinet.




Never spill liquids or push objects of any kind into the TV cabinet slots.

37)While it is thundering, do not touch the connecting cables or apparatus.

38)For added protection of your TV from lightning

and power surges, always unplug the power cord and disconnect the antennafrom the TV if

you leave the TV unattended or unused for long periods of time.

39)ALWAYSunplug the TVto completelydisconnect from mains power.Whenthe TV is turned off using the on/off switch, it is not completelydisconnected from power and a minute amountof current is still



40_46 55G_00U EN-ASindb


2010/_/16 tv@ 05:48:07

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Contents Toshiba Leading InnovationSafety Precautions Tuneinto SafetyDear Customer Please read this manual completely,and keep itImportantSafety instructions AdditionalSafetyPrecautionsInstallation, Care, and Service InstallationIinoeexs odiiin ..............Car8 IllChoosinga location for your Lcdtv To Displayyour Lcdtv usinga WaftTo Display your Lcdtv on the included Pedestal Stand VESAMounting Pattern Removing the Pedestal StandFCCDeclarationof Conformity Comp#anceStatementtPart15 Usingthe remotecontrol Men//layout and navigationFeatures of yournew TV Overview of steps for installing Setting up, and using your new TVLeft side panel TV front TV front and side panel controls and connectionsControl panel TV back panel connections PowerCordTVback Overview of cable types About the connection illustrationsConnectinga VCRand antenna, Cable TV or Camcorder TVbackpanelCoaxial cables StandardA/V cables Standardaudio cablesIf you have a mono VCRArid a sateJJJte receiver To view the DVD playerHD video input source on the TV Antenna channelsConnecting aft Hdni or DVI Device to the HDN input Back panelHmr IiControlpanel HDIVlldeviceRERZA-LINKconnection Playbackdevice REGZA-LIRRDVDplayer,etcConnectinga personalcomputerPC Connectinga digital audio systemTo control the audio Reserved Connectinga homenetworkTVback panel Toconnectthe TVto a home Network Preparing the remote control for Instaflingthe remote control batteriesRemote control effective range Learning about the remote controJ TheaterWide1/2/3,Full,43HD,Hativeand Do by DoUsin9the remote controlto controlyourother devices NODESELECTswitch to CABLE/SATRemote Control funcUonaJ key chart RecallProgrammingthe remote control to controlyourother devices Remote control codes CurtisMathes001,1105,0119,012,01 1140,1148,053,056,057 Daewoo011,13,015,017,018Setup Main menu JayoutSouud PreferencesSetup/Installation menu layout Navigatingthe menusystemTerrestrial NputInitial Setup Selecting the menulan.quageTOSHIBALogo LED Menn LanguageProgrammingchannelsinto TVschannel memory Setting channel skipProgrammingchannelsautomatically Lahelin9 channels To assign channel labelsTo remove channel labels To delete the custom labelViewing the digital signal meter Setting the Hdmj audio modeSetting the time zone Reset Factory Defaults To cancel the resetInstallation menu Factory default valuesLabelingthe video input sources Selecting the video input source to viewConnected to the Hdmi input @.Ir labelTuning channels Tuningchannelsusingthe ChanneJ Browser TMFavorites Browser To add a favorite channel/inputOr to select On or Off Elementsof the ChannelBrowserTMComin ued SetUngthe ChannelTuningNode Addingand clearing channels anti inputs in the HistoryListTuningto the next programmed channel Tuningto a specific channel programmedor unprogrammedSwitchingbetweentwo channels usingChannelReturn Switchingbetween two channels usingSurfLockTMNatural Sources onlyUsingthe autoaspect ratiofeature TheaterWide2 and 3 onlyNative Got by Dot For VGA, SVGA, RGA, WXGA, SXGAsources onlyUsingthe FREEZEfeature Adjusting the pictureSelecting the picture mode To turn on the auto aspect ratio featureAdjusting the picture quaIRy Using the closed caption mode Base closed captionsCollrill,d Adjusting the audio Usingthe digital audio selectorDigRalCCSetUngs CCSelectorAdjustingthe audio quaIRy Selecting stereo/SAPbroadcastsSeiecUngthe optical audio output format Atsc digital station if availableUsing the Locks menu Enteringthe PiN codeChangingyourPiN code BlockingTV programsand movies by rating V-ChipMovies Lockingchannels Independentrating system for moviesNC-17 Not intended for anyone 17 and under PO-13 material may be inappropriate forUsingthe input lock feature Usingthe GameTimerUsingthe control panel lock feature To cancel the GameTimerSetting the PC Audio Using the PC settings featureCoiwd Usingthe Media Player Usingthe Media Playerwith USBToselect the AutoStart function Toopenthe Media PlayerViewing photoflies SingleViewSlidesh0w Playing music filesUsinga networkedserver PC Usingthe Media Player with DlraDuringplayback Viewing photofiles with playing musicfiles at same timeViewing movie es DuringplaybackDeviceinformationdisplaySeepage53 Skiptoprevious/nextphotoSeepage52Settingup the networkaddress for the LARport Sorting 0nly USB storage deviceSee PlaybackSetting the sleep timer UsingREGZA-LIRRManual Setup Auto SetupVolume and Mute controls of Audio REGZA-LINRinputsourceselectionReceiver REGZA-LINK Player Control menu functionsFeature Understandingthe last mode memoryfeatureUnderstanding the auto power off DisplayingTV status informationUsingthe advanced picture settings features UsingDynamicContrastUsingthe static gamma feature Selectingthe color temperatureUsingthe ClearFrameTM feature Usingthe Film Stabilization featureUsingCableClear digital noise reduction Selecting the cinemamodeUsingthe advanced audio Settings featuresUsingNPEGnoisereduction Usingthe GameNode featureGeneraltroubleshooting OtherproblemsPicture problems TV stopsrespondingto controlsSoundproblems Remote control problemsChanneltuning problems Closed caption problemsNedia Player problems Network Setup fails AutoSpecifications VIDEO/AUDIO InputPC in signal formats AcceptaNe signal formats for PCiN and HDN! terminalsHdmi signa formats LimitedWarrantyfor CommercialUnits Limited United States Warranty for LCD TelevisionsYourResponsibility LimitedCanadianWarranty for ToshibaBrand Flat Panel TelevisionsCritical Applications GeneralProvisions2010/,4/16 7c-054427 4046 55GS001J FNASindb 2010/5/16 Toshibaamericaconsumer TEL 514