V.35 Data Port Setup
Chapter 4
Data Port Setup
4.1 V.35 Data Port Setup
The Access Bank II control panel contains a V.35 DCE port for connecting to synchronous DTE data sources such as routers and FRADs from 56 Kbps to 1,536 Mbps in N = 1 to 24 Nx56/Nx64 Kbps steps. There are no physical DIP switches for configuring this
4.1.1 Setting the Speed Option
The port speed can be set for either Nx56 or Nx64. Set this option for the available bandwidth.
4.1.2 Setting the Receive Timing Option
The receive timing can be set for either Internal or External. Internal is the setting for normal opera- tion. External can be used when required by data equipment connected to the Access Bank II. Internal means the V.35 clock is recovered from the Access Bank II timing, which is usually derived from one of the T1’s. External means clocking is recovered from the connected DTE device (via pins U and W).
4.1.3 Setting the Data Option
The data option can be set for Normal or Inverted. Set as required by data equipment connected to the Access Bank II. Inverted has the same effect as reversing the A (+) and B
4.1.4 Setting the DSU Option
DSU can be either Enabled or Disabled. Disable when you don’t want a V.54 DSU code to cause a loopback on the data port.
4.1.5 Setting the Clock Option
The clock can be set for No Inversion, Receive Clock (RxCLK) Inversion, Transmit Clock (TxCLK) Inversion, or RxCLK and TxCLK Inversion. No Inversion is the correct setting for normal operation. Set as required by data equipment connected to the Access Bank II.Inverted has the same effect as reversing the A (+) and B