Carrier Access AB II manual Loading Configurations, Miscellaneous

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1.8.5 Loading Configurations

Any configurations that have been saved from the Remote Monitor can be reloaded. When the Remote Monitor is first loaded, there are no other configurations that can be loaded. The default configuration (for Access Bank II) must be saved, or modified and saved before anything appears in the list of loadable files. Loading a configuration into the Remote Monitor from an existing file can be initiated two ways.

Use the Load Configuration From File icon:

1.Click on the Load Configuration From File icon.

Use the File pull-down menu:

1.Click on the word File at the top of the screen.

2.Click on Open Configuration in the pull-down menu.

A window appears, asking you if you want to save the current configuration to a file. A Yes answer allows you to assign a file name and save the configuration, then select the file name you want to load. A No answer allows you to select the file name you want to load without saving the current configuration.

3. Select the file you want to load and click on Open.


The Static Connections screen must be configured before you can configure the Channel Type screen because the Channel Type screen only affects drop and insert channels, which must be mapped on the Static Connections screen.

You can enter information (typing or menu selections) in any screen field that is white. You cannot enter information in gray fields.

When requesting events on the Event Log screen, be aware that requesting all events can take several minutes, and during that time you cannot scroll past event 15, so consider requesting six events at a time. Also, erasing the event log (clears all events) periodically is helpful.


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Contents Access Bank Page Page Page Access Bank Access Bank Access Bank II SnmpAccess Bank II Sdsl Access Bank II Snmp SdslPage Contents Data Port Setup Getting Started System RequirementsSoftware Overview Software InstallationInstalling Remote Monitor Creating a Shortcut on the DesktopRemote Monitor Connecting the PC Directly to the Access Bank 560DQDJHPHQW&DEOHConnecting a Modem to the Access Bank II for Remote Access WR%0Starting Up Remote Monitor Pull-Down Menus Setting Up Remote Monitor Selecting the Current ProductSetting Up Remote Management Connecting to the Access Bank Click on Connect Now, orSetting Up Remote Monitor Help General Rules and Tips for Using the Remote Monitor Reading and Sending ScreensPage Changing to a New Product Saving ConfigurationsScreen Flagging Loading Configurations MiscellaneousFlagging Changed Screens System SetupSystem Setup Screens Names Screen Problem Reporting Screen System Clock Screen Snmp ScreenConfiguring Network Parameters ColdStart Trap and warmStart Trap Configuring System Group Information Page T1 Setup T1 Setup2 T1 Hardware Setup System Clock SourceT1 Definitions Line Build Out LBO Data Port Setup V.35 Data Port SetupSetting the CTS Control Option Setting the Synchronous Data Rate or Asynchronous Subrate RS-232 Data Port SetupRS-232 Data Port Setup Synchronous Data Rate Option Asynchronous Subrate Options Page Connections Static ConnectionsConnecting Individual Channels Configuring Contiguous Channels Channel TypeChannel/Signal Type Screen Performance Event Log ScreenMessage Event Log Screen 3 T1 History Retrieving Events from the Event LogClearing the Event Log Loss of Received T1 Signal Also called Loss of Carrier DefinitionsSeverely Errored Seconds 5 T1 History Last 24 HoursLoopback Configuration MaintenanceTesting TSI Bert Internal Bert Configuration Loopback Configuration SettingsAnalog Ports Update Interval Update IntervalsFXS Lcfo LCF LEDs System LEDs DIP Switches Definition of V.35 Status LED last LEDDIP Switches