Samson SUB88 Setting up the sub88 Quick Start, CONFIGURING YOUR MONITOR System, Placing the sub88

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Setting up the sub88 - Quick Start


Before you start plugging in cables, you should take a minute and decide how you want to interface your new subwoofer.

Common Sub Operation

In most cases, a common sub ( mono) bass operation is desired. This is true for several reasons, but mostly because low frequen- cies produced by a subwoofer tend to be non-directional. Since low frequency sound waves take so much space to develop, you can’t tell if the sub-bass is coming from the left or right side,unless of course you’re in a very large room. Because of this phenomenon, just about all sub-bass material is mixed in mono.

Placing the sub88

Because the low frequencies reproduced by the sub88 are non-directional, you can position the unit almost anywhere. It is however, a good idea to keep the sub88 away from corners. Ideally the sub88 should be positioned in the middle, and up close to the wall you are facing in the mixing position.

Quick Start


Setting up your sub88 Active Subwoofer is a simple procedure, which takes only a few minutes: The following section is an explanation to get your Resolv 2.1, sub-satellite monitor system running. The example assumes that you are using an active sat- ellite speaker like a Resolv 50a.

Remove all packing materials (save them in case of need for future service) and decide where the unit is to be physically placed.

Make sure the power to your mixers powered satellite moni- tors and other equipment in your audio system is off. Locate the sub88’s Power switch on the rear panel and place the to its off position.

Connect your mixer’s left and right output to the left and right AUDIO INPUTS on the sub88 rear panel.

Note: It is always recommended to use balanced cables when ever possible. For a detailed wiring diagram see page 16 in this manual.

Now, connect the sub88’s left Audio Output to the input of the left side satellite speaker and the connect the sub88’s right AUDIO OUTPUT to the right side satellite speaker.

Locate the FREQUENCY control on the sub88’s rear panel and set the knob to 70Hz (10 o’clock position).

Before you power up your gear make sure that your mixer’s output level is turned all the way down so you can fade up your new monitor system.

Image 9 Contents
Studio Reference Monitors Important Safety Instructions Instrucciones importantes de seguridad Instrucciones de seguridad / Istruzioni di SicurezzaTable des matières Introduction Resolv sub88 Features Remote Control Layout Resolv sub88 LayoutFront View Layout Rear Panel Layout CONFIGURING YOUR MONITOR System Setting up the sub88 Quick StartCommon Sub Operation Placing the sub88Resolv sub88 Control Panel Operating the Resolv sub88Ins and The Outs Operating the Resolv sub88SUB Bypass Jack AC InletPhase Switch Control Functions and IndicatorsSystem Level Up and Down Controls FrequencyUsing the Remote Control Using the Remote ControlMono Sub With Active Satellites Connecting the Resolv sub88Mono Sub With Passive Satellites Using Line Inputs Resolv sub88 Connections Resolv sub88 Wiring GuideFrançais Caractéristiques des Resolv sub88 Touche SUB Volume Down Face avant TélécommandeTouche System Volume Down Touche System Volume UPFace arrière Présentation des Resolv sub88Configuration mono Configuration DU Système DE MoniteursPositionnement des Resolv sub88 Connexion rapideUtilisation des Resolv sub88 Utilisation des Resolv sub88Connexion rapide Suite Réglages des Resolv sub88Entrées et sorties Jack SUB BypassEMBASe secteur Inverseur de phase Réglages et voyants LEDTouches System Level UP et SYS- TEM Level Down Utilisation de la télécommande Utilisation de la télécommandeSubwoofer avec satellites actifs Connexion des Resolv sub88$%053 ,!!#/.3/,% Plan de câblage des Resolv sub88 Connexion des entrées des Resolv sub88Seriennummer Kaufdatum EinleitungResolv sub88 Features Layout der Fernbedienung Layout der VorderseiteLayout der Rückseite Monitorsystem Konfigurieren Sub88 einrichten SchnellstartCommon Sub-Betrieb Sub88 platzierenResolv sub88 bedienen Resolv sub88 bedienenSchnellstart Fortsetzung Resolv sub88 BedienfeldSUB BYPASS-BUCHSE Eingänge und AusgängeSystem Level Up und Down- Regler PHASE-SchalterFernbedienung verwenden Fernbedienung verwendenMono Sub mit aktiven Satelliten Resolv sub88 anschließenMono Sub mit passiven Satelliten an den Line-Eingängen Resolv sub88 Verdrahtung Resolv sub88 AnschlüsseIntroducción Características del Resolv sub88 Interruptor System Volume UP Distribución del Resolv sub88Vista frontal Mando a distancia Panel trasero Colocación del sub88 Configuración del sub88 Arranque rápidoArranque rápido Funcionamiento con sub comúnManejo del Resolv sub88 Manejo del Resolv sub88Arranque rápido Continuación Panel de control del Resolv sub88Entradas y salidas Conector SUB BypassEntrada CA Interruptor Phase Funciones de control y pilotosControles System Level arriba y abajo Uso del mando a distancia Uso del mando a distanciaSub mono con satélites activos Conexión del Resolv sub88Sub mono con satélites pasivos usando las entradas de línea Guía de cableado del Resolv sub88 Conexiones del Resolv sub88Introduzione Resolv sub88 Le Caratteristiche Resolv sub88 I Componenti Interruttore di Volume GIù del SUBIl Pannello Frontale Il TelecomandoIl Pannello Posteriore Il Sub in Comune Come Configurare il sub88 Uso ImmediatoIl Posizionamento del sub88 Uso ImmediatoLUso del Resolv sub88 LUso del Resolv sub88Uso Immediato continua Il Pannello di Controllo del Resolv sub88Gli Ingressi e le Uscite Presa PER Lesclusione in Bypass DEL SUBPresa PER CA Controllo di Livello DI Sistema Su e Giù Funzioni di Controllo e IndicatoriFrequenza Commutatore di FaseLUso del Telecomando LUso del TelecomandoSub in Mono con Satelliti Attivi Il Collegamento del Resolv sub88Il Collegamento del Resolv sub88 Resolv sub88 Guida al Cablaggio Resolv sub88 Le ConnessioniSpecifications Caractéristiques techniquesTechnische Daten Specifiche SpecificacionesSamson Technologies Corporation Samson Technologies Corp Phone 1-800-3-SAMSON Fax