The operations outlined in this section must be performed by qualified maintenance personnel only!
This section of the manual contains information on diagnosing and repairing instrument performance problems. It provides troubleshooting procedures that address problems to the board level.
As a guide to troubleshooting, think of the
Pneumatics - Over 50% of all instrument problems are traced to leaks in the M200EU, Bypass Pump Module assembly, pole mounted converter assembly, sample filter, or zero/span gas delivery system (calibrator). Suspect a leak first.
Electronics – converter temp control board or DC power supply for the converter temperature readout.
This could come either from the calibrator or entering the expected span gas concentration in the instrument incorrectly.
If the instrument does not respond to span gas, check troubleshooting section in the M200E manual.
The above should get you started in diagnosing and repairing the most common faults. If these reasons have been eliminated and there are still problems with the unit, the next thing to do is a Factory Calibration covered in the M200E manual. If difficulties persist, contact our service department. The 800 telephone number is on the cover page of this manual.
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