AT&T 8000 Problem. Reset the watchdog with the AT&T Model, Remote Programming Package

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CAUTION: If it is necessary to change the time of the first test )


The red LED (DS1) on the Digital communicator should


be blinking to show normal operation. The LED will not


light if there is no DC power. A steady LED means the


Watchdog circuit has detected a processor or memory


problem. Reset the watchdog with the AT&T Model


8710 Digital communicator Programmer or AT&T Model


8711 Remote Programming Package.


Connect terminal to earth ground. Use a minimum 14GA


wire. The wire run should be as short and straight as


possible. Sharp angles in the wiring run reduce the


effectiveness of the ground. A good earth ground is


essential for phone line lightning protection.


Connect the phone line cord to terminal block TB1.




T(red) = i n c o m i n g Tip

T1 (grey) = House phone Tip (Seized Tip)


R (green)=Incoming Ring

R1 (brown) = House phone Ring (Seized Ring)






Program the Digital Communicator using the AT&T


Model 8710 programmer or AT&T’s model 8711 Remote

Programming Package. Complete programming information is available in the Digital Communicator reference materials located at the back of this binder.

CAUTION: The Central Controller provides a total of 600 MA to be shared by the digital communicator, auxiliary sounding devices, and other auxiliary devices. Do not exceed this total.

10.Connect the Digital Communicator.

-Attach the power wires to terminals l3 and 14 of the Central Controller.

-Attach communicator channel wires to Central Controller screw terminals 15 through 22.

AT&T Proprietary information 2-24

Image 25
Contents Pursuant to Company Instructions AT&T Security SystemExceeding those expectations is what AT&T is all about Service is all aboutSystem KnowledgcGood Service Accountability Attitude Customer Contact Page AT&T Proprietary Information Obtain the floor plan and component list/work order Chart to help determine what you need. OutlineWhich are part of the AT&T Security Survey Call the customer to verify the time and locationPhillips-Head Screwdriver Common Hand Tools Slotted-Head ScrewdriverEnvironment WiringRequirements Page Salesman has told him/her Meet the Customer Confirm Correct LocationYou can answer any questions before you leave Look for broken windows, scratched paint, torn wallpaperLarge neighborhood antennas Choose Central Controller Location PrecautionsPaper mills MetaI kitchen or bathroom cupboards ObjectsRefrigerators MetaI sinks and tubsKeypad Transmitter ISI Wireless Siren Controller Wireless Remote TransmitterTransmitter locations Antenna PlacementAntenna length less than I5 feet, if possible ThemPossible Antenna Run in a Multi-level Home Transformer Wire lath in plaster walls Signal must pass through several outer wallsProblems, especially in L shaped homes InsulationHouse code USE Within a Half Mile Radius House Code DIP Switch Combinations House Code DIP Switch Combinations AT&T Proprietary Information Central Controller Terminal Strip Environmental17 Install the Digital CommunicatorPossible. Sharp angles in the wiring run reduce Problem. Reset the watchdog with the AT&T ModelProgram the Digital Communicator using the AT&T Remote Programming PackageIt is critical that you identify Run the Central Controller Antenna Choose the antenna runSources of possible RF interference Potential blocks to RF wavesPlug in the Transformer Verify power Power Up the Central ControllerDigital display Enter the Installer Test ModeKeypad Transmitter Choose Transmitter Mounting LocationsAllow at least two inches between the unit and the ceiling Pirt Zone TOP View Curtain Lens Ssdt Installation Considerations Other Installation Considerations ‘t J Typical single floor installation Alarm Hour Sensor Loop Not Secure Wireless Remote/TransmitterBattery is OK CONDITlONSensor Locate the phone line protector block Run the Phone Line for the Digital CommunicatorStep LYll Requires more powcr than 450 MA Then install the High Power SirenRelay Module Recheck All Transmitter LocationsProgram the Transmitters Beeps and alarms to specific transmitters. Code numbersLet’s look at the I.D. Code for a moment Number is used by the Central Controller to relay trouble1171 Wireless Remote/Transmitter DIP Switches Selectable sensor loop zone House code settingProgramming Selectable sensor loop option= closed loop Set House Code/Option DIP Switches= high security = low securityPage Yellow Wire Third Number 1st = B 2nd = W White WirePage House code Transmitter ID Switch 8 should be set on for high security to Keypad Transmitter Initial Programming Page Press up on the tab at the bottom HousingIntrusion Audible Panic Interior Environmental AuxiliaryAT&T Proprietary Information Transmitter PIR T Lens Replace lens brackets carefullyAT&T Proprietary Information Active Post on Pirt Circuit Board PscH8$EPage Open the detector front housing Use the information presented in the InstallationAccessed through a small hole in the backplate Set the House code DIP switches$t.ns~ Switch Page Sensor manufacturer’s instructions Mount the Transmitters Mount Wireless Remote/TransmitterMount the backplate USE Jumpers To Close Loops For Handheld USE Mount Keypad Transmitter Attach the front housingMount Universal Transmitter Page Auxiliary APPLlCATlONS Panic APPLlCATiONSComes on when you move Reduce the sensitivity of the Pirt by usingSeveral minutes to stabilize Walk test the Pirt to verify its coverageExit the Installer Test Mode Choose the Wireless Siren /Controller On = Silent OFF = Sound Switch 9 should Always be onSources of possible RF interference Potential blocks to RF wavesTransformer Plug in the transformer Verify that the AC Power Light is onScrew provided #6-32 Until 1 Beep is heard Perform the System Test System Test HardwiredSystem Test 24-Hour Zone Transmitters RF Scanner