Millennium Enterprises Integrated Modeling Amplifier manual Default List, Choruses

Page 42

Section - 4 Editing Modules

Johnson Millennium

Default List

The Following list contains the names of all of the Effect Defaults in the Millennium

Noise Gate

•S1 Pre Gate

•S2 Post NR

•Post Tub

•S2 PostDst

•Fast Swell

•Slow Swell


Dual Chorus






•Deep •Max Depth •Shimmery •SloVibrato •FstVibrato

Quad Chorus


•MildNWide •Medium Well •Thick •DeepDepth •Deep •Max Depth •Shimmery •SloVibrato •FstVibrato •ChorusLeft

Octal Chorus









Dual Flange








•IntenseL •Intense R •FlaChorus1 •FlaChorus2

Stereo Flange








•IntenseL •Intense R •FlaChorus1 •FlaChorus2

Dual Phaser


•ShallowFst •MIld Slow •MIld Fast •Medium •Deep •Shimmery •PhaChorus1 •Phas Chorus2 •Psychelic


Dual Detuner

•-5 Cents

•-12 Cents •+/-5 Cents •+/-10 Cents •Single Vox

Quad Detuner





Octal Detuner





Pitch Shifters


•Octave Up •Octave Down •2ndMin3rd •2ndMaj3rd

Smooth Pitch

•ShftDn-12 •ShftDn-5 •ShftDn-24 •ShftUp+5 •ShftUp+7 •ShftUp+12

Dual Pitch






•OctDown/Dtn •5ths Down •1&2OctsUp

Quad Pitch






Octal Pitch






Stereo Pitch

•5th Up •Min3rdUp •Maj3rdUp •OctaveUp •4thDown •Octave Down •2 OctsDown

Stereo Dual Pitch


•Min3rdUp •3rd/5th Up •Min 3rd/5th Up •4th/OctDn •OctUp/Down •OctDownDtn •1&2OctsUp























Dual Delay







•Hard2Tap •Thick Tap

Quad Delay




•TripleSlow •Ping Pong •400ms Thick •On the Rise •Shav&Hrcut •Horse Trot

Stereo Delay











Stereo Dual Delay









Stereo Quad Delay


•SynchroTap •Ping Pong •400msThick •HorseTrot •Shav&Hrcut •Ratatat •Random

Long Delay







•800ms/20% •1 SecEcho •MaxRepeats •2.8sec/0%

Analog Delay




Stereo Analog Delay





Multi-FX Mods Gated Reverb























Spring Tank Reverb



•Short Decay


•Long Decay


•Wet Spring





Room Echo









•Vocal Reverb



•Drum 1


•Drum 2

•Smphny Hall

Other Modules



Pre Delay

•Salt Palace






Dual Reverb















•Smphny Hall











Rotary Speaker









Stereo Tremolo

•Very thin






Stereo Reverb







Auto Pan






•Wide Fast


•Narrow Slow


•Narrow Med


•Narrow fast







Auto Wah

•Low Sens

•High Sens






8-Band Mono GEQ


•Low Pump •Sizzle




15-Band Mono GEQ


•Low Pump •Sizzle •Smiley •InvrtPhase

31- Band Mono GEQ


•Low Pump •Sizzle •Smiley

8-Band Stereo GEQ


•Low Pump •Sizzle •Smiley •InvrtPhase

3-Band Stereo PEQ


•Low Boost •Smiley •PhaseInvrtL •PhaseInvrtR •SmlBoost •LowNudge •60HzNotch

6-Band Mono PEQ


•Low Boost •Smiley •60HzNotch •InvrtPhase

6-Band Stereo PEQ


•Low Boost •Smiley •60HzNotch •PhasInvrtL

Thru Module

•Stereo Thru •Mute •Left Thru •Right Thru


User Guide

Image 42
Contents User’s Guide Mains Plug Warning Sandy, Utah 84070, USA Manufacturer’s Name8760 S. Sandy Parkway Product NameQuick Start Table of Contents Midi Functions Editing Modules Advanced TopicsAmplifier Section Digital Effects SectionUsing the Johnson Amplification J-12 Foot Controller AppendixUser Guide Introduction CongratulationsUser Guide Quick Tour of the Millennium Two-Fifty Front Panel100 User Guide F FX Library Buttons Rear Panel Fuse- 100, 120 VAC 6 Amp fuse is inserted hereLoop Send Jack This is the effects loop send jack Amplifier Model Types American Stack Dual Rectifier, Boogie MK II, Soldano SLOEffects include Basic Specifications Programmable Mono FX LoopFoot Controller Compatibility Johnson Amplification J-12 foot controllerModule Types Module SizesSetting Up Making ConnectionsTo exit this mode, simply press the Preset button XLR Cabinet Emulation functionsUtility Mode Preset ModeFX Edit Mode Assign ModeEQ and Preset Level Input and Master Output AdjustmentsGain Adjustments Getting SoundsWet/Dry Mix Adjustments Global or Local Amplifier Model and Channel SelectionAmplifier Contour Control Digital FX Quick Adjust Knobs Utility Menu Tuner Mode Selecting a PresetUsing the Tuner Press the Utility button once. The display readsPress the any button to exit the Tuner mode Johnson Amplification J-12 Tuner ModeInstant Tuner Access Reference and OutputNaming and Storing Presets Naming the PresetStoring the Preset After which you are taken to the preset you have just storedIntegrated Amplifier Model Editing Editing a PresetPreset Editing Sections Integrated Amplifier Model SelectionBgain LVL Analog Wah Editing Adig LVLNoise Gate Editing Avail Link for Pedal 1 OFFSelecting Effect Configuration Routes To exit Noise gate edit mode, press the Preset buttonCustom Defaults Selecting a DefaultAdjusting the Module’s Parameters Changing Effect ModulesComparing Changes Comparing Original PstStoring/Naming Defaults Naming the DefaultStoring the Default Editing a ModuleScrolling through a Module’s Pages Output Module FunctionsDigital Effect Module Size and Type Effect NameDefault List ChorusesAmplifier Types Effects LibraryAnalog Wah Analog Wah ParametersNoise Gate Noise Gate ParametersReverb Digital EffectsReverbs Stereo Reverb a true stereo version of the Reverb ModuleGated Reverb Reverb ParametersLow Pass Over TypeOver Freq TimeChoruses and Flangers T C H ChorusChorus Parameters Flanger Flanger ParametersPhasers Phaser ParametersLevel Rotary Speaker SimulatorMode OverAuto Panner Tremolo and Auto-PannerTremolo Tremolo & Auto Panner ParametersPitch Shifters and Harmony Pitch Shifters ParametersDetuners Delays Detuner ParametersDtn E -H TapIt Delay ParametersDly Time SmearCompressor Compressor ParametersEqualizers Graphic EqualizersGraphic Equalizer Parameters Multi Effects Modules Chorus/Delay and Flange/Delay Parametric EqualizersParametric Equalizer Parameters Whammy Effects Multi-Effect Module ParametersAuto Wah Whammy Effect ParametersAuto Wah Effect Parameters Dynamic Modifiers Assigning ModifiersMidi CCs LFOsExternal Expression Pedals Linking a Parameter to a ModifierSetting up an LFO Setting up a Dynamic ModifierMorphing Pedal Assignments Amplifier MorphingVolume Pedal Assignments Morphing Between Effect ModulesVol Pdl Morph Pdl Midi Functions Setting the Midi ChannelsPreset Receive Map Midi MergingPreset Transmit Map SysEx Device ChannelAfter which it returns to the Preset dump screen Sysex DumpsAfter which it returns to the User default screen SysEx Dump Bulk SystemFactory Reset Other Utility FunctionsGlobal vs. Local XLR Cabinet Emulation Output Mode and Speaker Cabinet Voicing Selections Footswitch Set-UpConfiguring the Pedalboard Connecting the Johnson Amplification J-12 Foot ControllerExpression Pedal Names Assigning Presets to Footswitches Press the Preset button to exitAssigning Functions Assigning Parameters to Footswitches/ Expression Pedals Gain Exp 1 Min 56MaxOther Footswitch Functions J12FCBank FS=Tog CCTranAssigning Midi Control to the Expression Pedals When connected. The display now reads 12 will appear like thisMomentary Footswitch Assignment Turn Page knob to page 3 and the display will readOther Pedalboard Tidbits Bank Up/ Tuner and Bank Down / Bypass FootswitchesUsing the Tuner Naming BanksUn-Linking or Viewing Parameter Control Will now readBank 4 Vox Bank 1 TopBank 2 Fender MatchlessBank 14 Vintage Bank 12 Alternative Bank 18 DynamicsBank 13 Country Bank 19 Morph StudioMillennium Preset Descriptions Bank 3 Boogie/SoldanoBank 5 Matchless Bank 6 MarshallBank 8 Signature Bank 12 Alternative Bank 13 CountryBank 15 Studio Bank 16 Jazz/FusionBank 18 Dynamics Effect Configuration Chart ConfigStereo 2,2 ConfigParall 4,4,2 ConfigMonoSplit 4,4,4,4Harmony Interval Charts Audio Outputs Power Amp SectionPower Requirements Audio InputsMidi Implementation Chart RemarksSystem Exclusive Implementation Midi BasicsJohnson Amplification Procedures General FormatSYSHEAD, 49h, F7h Syshead 48h, dd1st1 dd1st2, ... ddnth1, ddnth2, F7h DdnSYSHEAD, 11h, F7h Syshead 17h, aa1, aa2,bbs1, bbs2, F7h Vv = Software version number Rr =Tt = BbsIndicates the beginning of the xth Module Number of ModulesModules User requested Number of available parameters in the FX Module02h Effect Module 03h 04h Whole Effect Module SYSHEAD, 54h, cc, F7hSYSHEAD, 13h, yy1, yy2, zz1, zz2 F7h SYSHEAD, 21h, F7hSYSHEAD, 22h, F7h Yy= effect ID #SysEx Button/Keys/Footswitch codes Key Label Hex equivalentSysEx Preset Dump Example FX Module Count for Module Types 00 FX Module Class TypeFx Module codes and numbers PEQ 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107