Scientific Atlanta D9225 manual Isswitchedofforintrrupted.Uonrestart, «$Erxwwkhfxuuhqwfkdqqho, You

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Menu interface: After making changes to current receiver setup, you must save or

discard changes. Saved changes are used to update the current receiver settings

After changing


which are stored in non-volatile memory. Discarding changes restores the previ-



ously saved settings. You can al o cancel the operation to make further changes.

For more forma i

about m nus, see “On-screen menu operation”.

Wh n you lect EXIT, or if you press the MENU, VIEW or SELECT button after







hang , a p p-up m nu displays available Save options (see Figure 4).

âSave:Restore:Cancel:chang Pressarethe1tosavethen3aved,2totocanceldiscardyou theareewsetticeiverallchaoperationau omangsetupesically(YES)(CANCEL)(NO)youreturnedcanÖto the previous menu.






so p rf

rm these menu functio s using the following fro panel but-



























When you change from normal receiver operation to Alt Mode (or navigate to menus from video), the information displayed is associated with the current (virtual) channel. If no changes are made to the current setup, you are automati-

cally returnedIMPORTANT!to the previouslyExitingwith-watchedovideofromchannelmenuswhenaftersavingyou exitchangesto videomade. Iftoany changes areMostmadeannelcurrentwhichsetupaffectatthetheRceiverr ceivedSetupdigitalmenusignal,onlymayexitingbeprecededto videobyafter

saving changeschisstllerprassociatedcededChannelbybannerthe Installerdisplay.currentTheChannelsetup,InstallerandbannerisusuallyChanneldisplaychannelisreserved(iì0î. .,.chan-

nel 0). The curre channel is display on-scre when in video, at the front panel

when using the AltreceiverModesettingsrfaccan, andonlyatbethechangedAvailablefromServicesthischannelmenu..YouForcanmore



The Video Standard used to operate the receiver is preset at the factory to either NTSC (525-line), or PAL (625-line), depending on factory-installed options (if the receiver is equipped with a TV modulator, the compatible Video Standard is set as the factory default). Changing the Video Standard is normally required only for operating the receiver in a network or jurisdiction that uses the alternate Video Standard, and/or when new (or different) subscriber services are made available.

Changing the Video Standard or resetting the receiver to the default factory set￿- tings may cause the TV video to display improperly. If the current Video Standard setting is incompatible with subscriber/network services, it must be changed. For information about factory default settings, see “User Setup menu”.

Image 21
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