This Appendix provides important information about your PowerVu Headend
SatelliteâSerialRecRemoteiver. ReferControlcommandsto this section for:
| In the above example, the VER command causes the receiver model number to |
| display only after the Enter key is pressed (i.e., carriage return [<CR>]). The com- |
| mand is valid only if the characters “VER” are used (i.e., “VER” is not a valid |
Your Headend Satellite Receiver is equipped for external remote operation and | command, even though the characters are the same). If command or syntax is in- |
control using remote control commands via a PC/workstation or data terminal | valid, the receiver responds with “?”. If an internal overflow condition exists when |
connection. This optional connection can be made at the receiver rear panel serial | executing a command, the receiver responds with “V”. Note that all Remote Con- |
data port labeled EXPANSION PORT (see “Connecting your system”). Remote | trol commands begin with the characters “SA1”. |
operating commands can be used in place of the user interface for remote receiver |
setup and monitoring. |
General information about how remote commands are used is followed by detailed information about each command, including syntax and command options.
| |
| upper | commands | characters | |
Return |
| ommands are | return character | |
Each of the | mote ontrol | x ted u ing a unique protocol or | ||
rules. Th se | les | ontr l | mmand syn ax (i. ., how command must be sent to |
the rec iver) and how the receiver responds. Commands can only be int rpreted by the rec iver if upper case characters are used. When sending commands, observe
theâfollowingterAUsellcommandRemoteoronly. Controliskeyexecutedcaseispressed)ASCIIonlychaftractersbgincarriagewiththe | ìSA1îissent(i.e.,theEn- | |
The following conv ntions are used for id ntifying the | command | options found in |
ââthis AppeLeftmustTheonofdforwardandtonottheavailableseparaixrightbe. slashenparenthesisteredcharacterì/îoptionscommandcharactersmustusedoption()bespecified,toì{separate}îfromandandthecommandmustmainforwardnotoptiosslashbeenteredcharacterindicatesrs,ì/îthatndre
The following example shows correct command usage.
A specific protocol is used for constructing and processing all remote control com- mand and resulting response messages. Table 13 shows command frame and re- sponse frame information.