Table13.Command/Responseframes |
| |||||||
1ByteCommandframeLength |
| DataSî |
| Description | 1 |
| |||
2 |
| A |
| Startcharacer#2 | ||
| |||
3 |
| 1 |
| UnitNumber(inchain) | |||
| |||
| n |
| ì:î |
| PrecedesnextASCIIchracter(ifmorethan9unitsin | ||
| Commandcodeandparameters | |||
4 | + |
| chain) |
| Endofmessage |
| ||
Response |
| frame |
| |
| ||
1 |
| n |
| LF>! |
| LineommandFeedResponse |
| |
| ||
2 |
| CR> |
| CarriageReturn |
3 |
| <LF> |
| LineFeed |
4 | +n |
| 1 |
| ì>î |
| Readyfornextmessage | ||
| ||||
All transmitted command characters must be upper case ASCII. All characters are echoed by the receiver, except for the Unit Number (i.e., byte #3) which is decre- mented if greater than zero (0). This permits
?Table 14 shows command error and overrun error response frame information.
The command error message displays if the receiver cannot recognize the com- &mand, or if an internal microprocessor operating error or error condition exists.
1 Decoder is addressed when first unit (1) received
2 Carriage Return
3 Line Feed
The overrun error message displays if the receiver cannot process the command completely, and/or if the command becomes corrupted during transmission.
The command is available for polling the receiver to display the current Bit Error Rate of the decoded digital signal (errors per second). Observe the following syntax.SA1BER
BER polls the receiver for the current Bit Error Rate (digital signal), where
The Channel command is available for polling the receiver to display the current SA1CH=###channel, or for changing the channel. Observe the following syntax.
CH polls the receiver for the current channel. CH=### changes the current channel. The receiver responds by displaying the following.
### can be any virtual channel number from 0 through 500.