Scientific Atlanta D9225 manual UHTXHQF\0RGH, RFN/HYHO Lock

Page 30


5Whensave desiredsetting. isdisplayedatthefrontpanel,pressSELECTto


Available options: Press 1 to save the new setting (donE), or press 2 to discard all changes (rstr), or press 3 to cancel the operation (abrt).

RepeatÕthis action to display or change the operating frequency. You can use the /Œarrow buttons to change between low and high resolution. Note that when displaying high resolution (i.e., least significant digits), the decimal point flashes ON and OFF repeatedly (see “…About frequency settings”). The operating fre- quency can be displayed from any channel, but can only be changed from the In-

staller Channel (see “…About the current channel”).

y u are unsure boutpressw iFrequencyModeÖto use, contact your dealer/res ller,


he Frequency Mode option is an Alt-1 function. The mode selected is the

Downlink (dnLn) or L Band (Lb1 or Lb2) Frequency Mode used by the receiv r. If

Toor localdisplayse viceorchangeprovidthe.

StepPerform￿￿ 321...the[LPressTheIfrequired,-Band2]firstALT4ALTLED(MODE)steponceorflashesifdnLnytoto0uchange[Downlink])anddisplayareONandthenchangifromtheOFFpress.Thecurrentnormal.gthedefaultSELECTFrequencyoperationsettingdisplaytoModeisAltL-the-Band1(Lb1.ModeInstaller[L1.-.BandChannel1],Lb2.


Available options: Press 1 to save the new setting (donE), or press 2 to discard all changes (rstr), or press 3 to cancel the operation (abrt).

Repeat this action to change the Frequency Mode. The Frequency Mode can be displayed from any channel, but can only be changed from the Installer Channel (see “…About the current channel). Each Frequency Mode corresponds to a valid Local Oscillator or Downlink frequency (see also “LO Frequency #1”, “LO Fre- quency #2”) and “Crossover frequency”).


Toservdisplayce providerTheorchange. the LevelÖ LockLevel

he Lock L vel option is an Alt-2 Mode function. The Lock Level determines what

rec ver/interface options are available for viewing and/or modification. If you

are unsure about whi L to use, c ntact your dealer/reseller, or local

StepStepPerform321...theWhenfaultplaysPressfirstnewALTsettingavailabletheALT3LEDLock(LOCK)stepdtwiceesiredisplauisLvelifsettings(LockLevelsONnt0toysto.setting.u.displaychangeare changingisthecurrentfromdisplayednormaltheareatdisplayedperationthefront.toPressing.frompanel,Alt0-2pressthroughMode3repeatedlySELECT.3).Thetodisdeset-- Step4.AfEnprompttetherrecPasswodforentering.isentered,thecurrentthePassword.newLockLevelisset.

Image 30
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