The command is available for resetting (restarting) the receiver (i.e., main microprocessor)SA1RESET=YEShardware. Observe the following syntax.
RESET=YES resets the receiver (i.e., warm boot only). The receiver responds by displaying the following.
Note that the RESET command does not reset the receiver operating software, or restore factory default receiver settings.
SA1QLTYrelative Signal Quality of the decoded digital signal. Observe the following syntax.
The | command is available for polling the receiver to display the current |
QLTY polls the receiver for the current relative Signal Quality (decoded digital signal). The receiver responds by displaying the following.
#can be any number from 0 (bad) through 9 (good). Signal Quality depends, in part, on the current Symbol Rate. For information about Signal Quality, see “Dish Pointing menu”.
The STATE command is available for polling the receiver for the current receiver operating/Signal State. Observe the following syntax.
STATE polls the receiver for the current operating/ Signal State. The receiver re- sponds by displaying the following.
# can be (see Table 16). Returned status codes represent all possible operating stat s. Note that each command response ( nstance) reflects the instantaneous op- erating state of the receiver which may indicate a response which is erroneous or unexpect d. If unexp cted respo se is rece ved, the steady or normalized oper-
ating state of the rec iv r an be t be determined if this command is execute re- | ||||
pe dly. |
| |
Table16.Possibleignalstatuscodesanddescriptions | ||||
State10CodeReSearNoslokponsecModeActive |
| |||
20 |
| |
| |
3 |
| Channel ChangeinProgress |
| |
4 |
| No |
| |
5 |
| DigitalLock,andSignal |
| |
6 |
| UnauthorizedProgramActive |
| |
70 |
| AuthorizedProgramActive |
| |
| |
The | C command is available for polling the receiver to display the current rela- |
tive Signal Strength (or AGC level) of the decoded digital signal. Observe the fol- SA1AGClowing syntax.
AGC polls the receiver for the current relative Signal Strength (decoded digital signal). The receiver responds by displaying the following.