Table123 rtCarderrorinterruptedreprted ∙ ReceivermanuallyswithedoffduringVCR ∙ Donotswitchthereceiveraler/reselleroffduring session
If you experi nce any problems operating your Headend Satellite Receiver, the following troubleshooting guide may help you to resolve your problem. Quite often, a loose
c le connection or an incorrect receiver setting can cause loss of service, signal degradation, sound or picture problems. In most cases, these problems can be quickly resolved by following the tips and suggestions provided. Also included is a list of answers to some commonly asked questions.
. |
| cordingIncompleteor | videore- |
| ∙ | Normaloperationifreceiverisnotswitchedon |
| ∙ PresstheSTANDBYbutton onthereceiverfrontpanel |
| ||||||
Note that tempora y, solar- | lated el ctromagn tic disturb nces o cur every year duri the spring and autumn | on hs. These dis | rbances usually persist for several minutes | ||||||||||||||
4. |
| Scrambledchannel(no | decoded) |
| ∙ |
| orcardinformationdamagedrecordingerased |
| ∙ | ReportproblemtoyourCard | recordinglocalserviceprovider |
| ||
day for ap roximately one week during this period. When they occur, your service p ovider will advise you ab ut certain c annels hat may be adversely affected. If you are | |||||||||||||||||
unable to resolve your prob | m after consulting this Troubleshooting checklist, onta t your dealer/reseller or local ervice provid | for assistance, contact your local Scien- | |||||||||||||||
tific. |
| PossibleCauses |
| Remedies |
| |||||||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| ∙ orSmartCardexpirederased | ,cardnotinsertedorcardinformationdamaged |
| ∙ | theSmart |
| iscorrectlyinserted |
| |||
5 |
| ∙ | Chckthat(contactyouryourlocalsubscriberservicesservicesprovider)arecurrentlyauthorized |
| ||||
| ||||
| ||||
6. |
| ∙ | tion | pressedthecorrectbuttonequiredtomaketheselec- |
| ∙ | SeeìOperatingthereceiverîfordetails |
| |||||
| |||||||
| ||||||||
7. |
| CannotrecordprogramonyourVCR |
| ∙ | changedhavenotentered | password,orthepasswordmaybe |
| ∙ password,localserviceortheproviderarepasswordusingfortheassistance)correctunavailable,passwordcontactyour(ifyouívedealer/resellerlostthe |
| |||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ∙ | rVCRisnotproperlyconnected(seeìConnectingyoursystmî) |
| ∙ CheckthatyurVCRisproperlyconnected | % |
| ||||||
| ||||
| ∙ | right(someYouhaveownernd |
| ∙ |