Scientific Atlanta D9225 manual …$ERXW,4VLJQDOLQYHUVLRQ, When set

Page 48


he I/Q Select fu ction provides automatic or manual tracking of inverted and

n n-inverted digital QPSK signals. When set to Automatic, the I/Q Select function





racks the received digital signal and inverts the ignal, as required.

When set I

verted, the received digital signal always inver ed. Conversely,



when set to Non-Invert d, he received digital sign l is never inverted. The I/Q

el ct funct

is normally

to Automatic. The I/Q Sel ct Inverted


ToStepNonset-Inverted12..I/QMoveWhenSELECT,Apopsignalsett-theupI/QSelectorinversionÖmenudsiredgspressInvertedandcandisplays1beandandusedthenSavepressSELECTNonistodisplayedpressoptions-autInv).SELECTmaticallyThe.ondefaultsettingto-tochangej ctmoveavailableunwantthetoisAtomaticcurreExitsettingsdandinstructions,signalssettingpress.. .


Available options: Press 1 to save the new settings (Yes), or press 2 to discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel).

Repeat the above action to change the I/Q Select setting. Unless otherwise recom- mended, I/Q Select should normally be set to Automatic (default). If you are un- sure about which setting to use, contact your dealer/reseller, or local service pro- vider. For a list of default receiver settings, see Table 8.


Image 48
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