Scientific Atlanta D9225 Lplwhgduudqw, Duudqw\Whupvdqgfrqglwlrqv, Lplwvrioldelolw, Lvfodlphu

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Scientific-Atlanta Canada, Inc., hereafter called S-A, warrants that at time of shipment, goods sold shall be free from defects in material and workmanship, and shall be of the quality characterized and described by S-A. Notice of any defect shall be given in writing to S-A or an authorized representati ve immediately upon discovery of such defect within one [1] year of the date of shipment of the goods to the original purchaser only. S-A obligations under this warranty are limited to repair or replacement of the product [or accessories] that upon examination by S-A or an authorized representative are found to be defective. Under no circumstances shall the obligations of S-A under this war- ranty exceed the cost of goods sold. Approval for any goods returned for warranty must be obtained in advance from S-A or an authorized representative. S-A is not obligated to accept any goods returned for warranty without prior authorization. Any agreement made between an authorized S-A distributor and the original purchaser that extends product warranty beyond the one [1] year period warranted by S-A must not obligate S-A in any way. To obtain authorized warranty service, the purchaser must forward the goods by prepaid freight to S-A or an authorized service facility. S-A is not obligated to accept any costs related to the return of goods including freight, customs duties or bro- kerage fees incurred by the customer. This warranty is voided if a product is modified, altered or repaired by anyone other than S-A or an authorized service facility.

Repair charges deemed reasonable by S-A will apply to any goods returned for warranty and found to be in proper working condition. This warranty shall not apply to any damage caused by war or insurgence, act of God, improper maintenance or change of serial number, or by operation contrary to the information contained in the instruction manual. No liability is assumed by S-A for any collateral or consequential damages or losses associated with this product. S-A reserves the right the revise product specifica- tions without prior notice.


All products manufactured by Scientific-Atlanta Canada Inc., hereinafter called S-A, are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship, and conform to cur- rently published specifications. Scientific-Atlanta Canada extends warranty coverage to the original purchaser only. Products must be purchased from a recognized Scientific- Atlanta dealer or distributor.


Scientific-Atlanta’s liability is limited to servicing, adjusting or correcting any product returned to the factory under warranty, including the replacement of defective compo- nents. Equipment repairs are billed at normal rates for any fault caused by improper installation, maintenance or use, or if the product is subject to abnormal operating condi- tions.


Scientific-Atlanta makes no representations that its PowerVu product line is fully compatible with similarly represented equipment from other vendors due to the wide range of implementation possibilities of the applicable standards.

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