or lower) channels, and the Õ/ arrow buttons to increase or decrease the vol-
ume level, respectively Note that
with the SELECT buttons. You useŒtheSELECTbuttonÖseparately to make selections
While viewing............................................................................................................................any chan el you can use the
While viewing any channel you can use the front panel buttons to change the cur-
rent r ceiver setup by switching from normal eceiver operation to one of two (2)
alternate operating modes (i e , Alt
numerickeypad mode
TouetheenterPressinfoVIEWALT0through....mation...............................................................................................................................9for menu options(AltnormalMode(s operation)Ö“Settingoperation)Öup the receiver”)...............
While in n rmal operating mode (i , front anel ALT LED OFF), you can use the
front pan lto ch nge any ch nel from 001 through 999, or to
Use the VIEW button to return to normal receiver operation from Alt Mode. Other Alt Mode functions are also available via the front panel. For complete information about viewing or changing the current receiver setup using Alt Mode functions, see “Alt Mode operation”.
Security and/or preauthorized satellite broadcast services upgrades via Smart Card re planned in future for the PowerVu Headend Satellite Receiver.
While viewing | ny channel y u can change channels (higher or lower) one channel |
at time. C | are changed (higher or lower) depending on which button is |
pToPressedthe. | |
change |
Channelschangecan also be changed directly by pressing the numbered front panel but- t ns (e. . to change to channel 5, press 0005, or press 5 and then SELECT).
While vi wing y channel you can increase or decrease the volume level. The
TovPresslumethel LeftveltheÕisvolumeÖincreasedandRightŒorarrowdecreasedbuttonsdepending................................................................on which button is pressed.