3 |
| C- | s | L.O.Freq#1to |
| ||||
| theAllo8networkGHz).freuencyatpresetstheReceiverdefinedwithdownlinkSetthisstepupmenu,frque.adnciesthenrangingsavethefromseting0 8.GHzwilluse | ||||||||||
Step4.IfyouwanttouseKuBand,- | andifyourLNBhastwolocaloscillators | ||||||||||
| tingsL.OFreq. | #1,L.O.Freq#2,andCrossoverfor |
| savethe | |||||||
| ||||||||||
| IfyouwanttouseKu- |
| andifyourLNBhasonlyoneloclocillator | ||||||||
| setbothL.O.Freq#1BandL.O.Freq#2tothesamesettingasisapplicableto | ||||||||||
| yourLNB. |
| withdownlinkfrequencies | reaterthan8GHzwillusethe | ||||||
Step5. | Allnetwork |
| ||||||||
GobacktothNetworkPresetpresetssmenutoconfiguretherestofthesettings. | |||||||||||
| L.O.frequenci | definedinthis | tep. |
| ||||
TosettheoperatingFrequencyÖ |
| andCrossoverfrequenciesas | ||||||||
1. | Besureyouhave | onfiguredtheLocal |
| ||||||||
2. | descibed |
| . | andpressSELECTOscillatorreplacethecurrentsetting. | |||||||
MovetoFrequ |
| ||||||||||
Step3. | EnteravaldabovefrquencyandthenpressSELECT.Youcan | presstheœ/– | |||||||||
| arrowbuttonsto |
| available | from0GHzthrughalso15GHz | |||||||
Step4. | (Downlink)in250kHzdisplayeps.Thedefaultsettings | tingforDownlinkis10.7GHz. | |||||||||
Step5. | SELECT,orpress1andthenpressSELECTtochangethecurresetting. | ||||||||||
| |||||||
| required. |
Available options: Press 1 to save the new settings (Yes), or press 2 to discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel).
Repeat this action to change to another frequency. A valid operating Frequency is always required (i.e., for setting the Downlink frequency).
Available options: Press 1 to save the new settings (Yes), or press 2 to discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel).
Rep at is action to change the polarization. When a Horizontal polarization is set, a 19 volt DC signal is output via the receiver rear panel SATELLITE connector. When a V rtical polarizati is s t, a 13 volt DC signal is output via this connector. Ob rve the eff ct of the polarization change by checking the displayed relative ignal Str ngth and Signal Q ality values (see Figure 12). Higher numbers are better. If you5/6, re unsure about which polarization to use, contact your
StepTodealsetr/res21..the3/4,MovedescribedBeFECrateÖllsureyoutoorFECor7/8)abovelochaveRatel service..configuredtheLocalTheefaultsettingandpressSELECTprovid r. isOscillator7/8display.andavailableCrossoverfrequenciessettings(1/2,2/3,as
Available options: Press 1 to save the new settings (Yes), or press 2 to discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel).