Where Calls Are Logged
Using the Call Log
Where Calls Are Logged
The DiVitas Client Call Log is separate from the call log for the handset’s native dialer. Calls are logged in one or both logs, depending on the call direction, the medium (WiFi or GSM), and whether the number on the handset is the DiVitas Client extension or the handset’s mobile number. Table 8 lists where calls are logged.
Table 8. Where Calls Are Logged
Call Direction | Native Dialer’s Call Log | DiVitas Client Call Log |
Incoming | To DiVitas Client | Logged as Incoming or Missed |
| extension on GSM | call, depending on whether the |
| call was answered |
Logged as Incoming or Missed call
| To DiVitas Client | Not logged | Logged as Incoming or Missed |
| extension on WiFi |
| call |
| To mobile number on | Logged as Incoming or Missed | Not logged |
| GSM | call, depending on whether the |
| call was answered |
Outgoing | From DiVitas Client | Logged as Incoming Missed | Logged as Outgoing call |
| extension on GSM | call |
| From DiVitas Client | Not logged | Logged as Outgoing call |
| extension on WiFi |
| From mobile number on | Logged as Outgoing call | Not logged |
| GSM |
Handoff | Handoff of DiVitas | Logged as Incoming call | Not logged |
| Client call from WiFi to |
| GSM |
| Handoff of DiVitas | Not logged | Not logged |
| Client call from GSM to |
| WiFi |
DiVitas Client User Guide for Nokia E and N Series Phones, v2.7 | 51 |