accessories 28, 31, 32, 38 alarm clock 37
alert creating 46 setting 24, 42
animation downloading 9, 42 managing 44 screen saver 42, 44 wallpaper 42, 44
application, locking and unlocking 41 appointments. See datebook
barring calls 27 battery meter 35 browser messages 10 browser. See
calculator 39 calendar. See datebook call
alert, setting 24 barring 27 calling card 19 conference call 27 costs 29, 30 forwarding 27 speakerphone 31 timing 29, 30
call cost information 29, 30 call timers 29
caller ID 19, 20, 44 calling card call 19 camera 48
car kit 31
certificate management 41 chat 12
clock, selecting analog or digital 24 computer
connecting to phone 32 synchronizing data 23, 33, 37
conference call 27 credit information 29, 30 currency converter 40 customizing the menu 25
data call making 32 timers 30 volume meters 30
datebook alarm clock 37 reminders 36, 37 synchronizing 33, 37 using 36
dialing a number 28 display
greeting 24 language 25
menu icons, showing or hiding 24 personalizing 25
drafts folder 6, 7, 8, 9, 15 DTMF tones
activating 29, 50 defined 28 sending 29
email deleting 16 draft 6, 7, 8, 15 inbox setup 14 locking 16 message status 15 outbox 15 personal folders 17 phone number, calling 16 reading 16
receiving 15 reminders 15 sending 15, 16 sending manually 16
email address, storing in phonebook 18
event alert 24
exchange rate, calculating 40 external device
connecting to phone 32 synchronizing data 23, 33, 37
fax call 32 fixed dial 28 forwarding calls 27
games 44
GPRS indicator 42 greeting 24 groove tunes 45
handsfree use 31
headset accessory, using 31 home keys, personalizing 25
home screen
menu icons, showing or hiding 24 selecting clock view 24
setting display text 24
IM 11
incoming call, forwarding 27 indicators
message waiting 8, 10, 15 phonebook number type 18 voice name 18
information services 10 instant messaging. See IM
Java applications 44, 45
left soft key 25 right soft key 25 voice 38
keypad volume, setting 24
language, setting 25 lock application 41 lock SIM card 41
mailing list, creating 19 master clear 25 master reset 25 memory available 45
Memory is Full! message 9, 11, 13, 15 menu
icons, changing in idle display 25 icons, converting to text 25 icons, showing or hiding 24 language, setting 25 personalizing 25
scroll 25
view, changing 25 wrap around 25
message animation 9 browser messages 10 chat 12
deleting 9 draft 9, 15 email 14 inbox setup 5 information services 10