•By using the Search feature, which finds addresses for you.
•By using the autocompletion feature, which completes addresses for you.
To use an email address in an email you’ve received:
1.From an open email, select a blue email address contained in the body of the message.
2.Enter the subject and text for the email you’re sending.
3.Select Send Now to send the email right away; select Send to send it later. (Send is useful if you’re not currently connected to the Internet.)
To use the Search feature:
1.From the Inbox (or any folder), select New.
2.Tap the To: field.
3.If the recipient’s name appears in the list of contacts, check the box next to it.
4.If the recipient’s name doesn’t appear in the list:
•Type the first letters of the last name of the person you want.
•Select the Search in pick list and choose a source for your contacts.
•Select Go.
•Check the box next to the name when it appears in the list below.
5.Select any additional recipient names.
6.Select Add.
7.Select Close.