If you select to receive a confirmation message before downloading files, the message contains any download restrictions, such as a large file size.
Receiving confirmation messages
Xpress Mail lets you choose whether to receive confirmation messages before completing common tasks.
1.From the Inbox (or any folder), open the menus .
2.Select Settings, and then select Preferences.
3.Select the pick list in the
4.Check any one of more of the boxes if you want to receive a message asking you to confirm that you
want to delete messages, download files, or switch to a different account before you complete that task.
5.Select OK.
Setting time options
You can choose the time zone for an account and whether to observer daylight savings time.
1.From the Inbox (or any folder), open the menus .
2.Select Settings, and then select Preferences.
3.Select the pick list in the
4.Select the Time Zone pick list, and then select your time zone.
5.Check the box if your location observes daylight savings time.