| CAL.DAT Configuration File
The CAL.DAT is a mandatory file for execution of the CAL software feature. It defines the interface parameters between the BCU/CAL and the System Manager. The template file defines 32 example sites, which are commented out (i.e., preceded with a # character) and thus have no effect when the file is processed. Entries must be provided for each site interface the CAL will be supporting. The information contained in the CAL.DAT file must also be used to properly configure the Emulex Terminal Server(s). Terminal server configuration is discussed in detail in a separate section of this document.
EDACS System Manager site entries are specified in the following form:
SITE.ss.PASSWD system_manager_password
SITE.ss.PORT tcp_port_number
where ss designates the associated site number, ranging from 01 to 32 (inclusive). The site number in CAL should correspond to the site number of the System Manager port to which it will be connected.
A log file (1.2/log/cal_ini.log) is generated on each system boot. This log summarizes the processing of this file, indicating which sites are supported, the values assigned as PASSWD, IP, and PORT for each site, and any errors encountered in processing CAL.DAT.
Table 6 - CAL.DAT File Parameters
Specifies the System Manager password to be used for logins to/from this site. system_manager_password must match the associated value programmed on the System Manager for the site specified by ss.
Defines the Internet IP address, in
Defines the TCP/IP port number used to communicate between the BCU/CAL and the associated port on the terminal server. Note that each terminal server port is associated with the site number specified by ss. The value tcp_port_number must be unique for every site defined.
The following example shows how sites 1 and 2 might be defined in the CAL.DAT file.
SITE.01.PASSWD | SITE01 | # System Manager Password for the site |
SITE.01.IP | | # IP address of the terminal server |
SITE.01.PORT | 5001 | # TCP port number |
SITE.02.IP | |
SITE.02.PORT | 5002 |