When using a control system, the microphone mutes can be configured to ―int. mute‖, which mutes the microphone audio inside of the base station, or ―ext. mute‖, which allows the control system to choose another location for the mute to take place. When ―ext. mute‖ is selected, the microphones will always pass audio no matter their mute state.
Note: Both a control system and DSP cannot be connected to a Base Station as a serial control processor at the same time. When using a control system, the DSP control must be done by the control system and not the Base Station.
Serial Command & Return Strings:
The Serial Strings of an Executive HD Base Station begin with the Argument and terminates with a Carriage Return. The Command String structure is as follows:
<Argument> <Command> ch <Channel #> <Value> <CR>
All variable changes to the microphone or Base Station will result in a Return String. A Return String will begin with ―val‖ and terminate with a Carriage Return. You will receive a Return String for every value change that has taken place in the microphones or base station including changes that are a result of the Command String sent to the Base Station. The Return String structure is as follows:
val <Command> ch <Channel #> <Value> <CR>
String Table:
The following table represents the serial syntax of the Executive HD system. Any command marked with an asterisk will only function if the Base Station has Gold Enabled by entering that systems unlock code. (See Revolabs HD Gold Control Panel)
Argument |
| Command |
| Channel# | Value |
| |||
| |
| set |
| lock* |
| 0 | = Mic Lock Off |
| |
| |
| A = All Mics | 1 | = Mic Lock On |
| set |
| mute |
| 0 | = Unmute Mic |
| |
| B = All Mics | 1 | = Mute Mic |
| set |
| mute |
| A = Master Mute | 0 | = Master Mute Off |
| |
| 1 | = Master Mute On |
| |
| 2 | = Master Mute Toggle |
| set |
| gain* |
| 0 | = 0db Absolute |
| |
| |
| A = All Mics | 1 | = |
| |
| 2 | = +0.5db Relative |
| ||
| ||
| set |
| pair* |
| 1 | = Activate Pairing |
| |
| set |
| pwr* |
| 0 | = Power Off Microphone |
| |
| A = All Mics |
| set |
| um |
| 0 | = UnMute @ Startup Off |
| 1 | = UnMute @ Startup On |
| ||
| set |
| tm |
| 0 | = TableTop Mute Off |
| 1 | = TableTop Mute On |
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