Operating the VMT-1 (Visual Music Tutor)
Function 4 (F4) the Tone or “Mixer” Window
In addition to all the interactive playback
WHY: These simple mixing options allow teacher or student to be the “produc-
er” and alter any part of the piano or orchestrated parts. These alterations may illustrate a musical concept, may highlight a passage, or may be used for an “I wonder how it would sound if…” exploration.
HOW: Press F4 (function button #4) or click on the fourth icon from the left (in the menu bar). In this view, you may also adjust tempo, transposition, tracks being played, as well as note size and measure width.
For More Information
For additional information about the Visual Music Tutor’s functions, see the accompanying Owner’s Manual. It will walk you through the functions listed above, plus describe additional tutoring options for all SMFs.
For a brief outline of commonly used functions, refer to the 11 x 17 Survivors Guide. It will cover the most frequently used operations of this important Music Tutor program.