patterns, using a pair of LEDs on either side of the display to indicate the width of the stereo field. When the stereo image has been collapsed to mono, only the center green LED will be lit. In this case the stereo input will be heard as mono.
Linking Channels
For stereo input sources such as keyboards, drum machines, CD players, main console submixes, console stereo group outputs, etc., Aviom input modules provide a convenient method of controlling these
Linking two Channels is done from the front panel of the
When Channels are linked, they act as one source on the
Channels that are linked will appear linked on every Personal Mixer connected to the system. You can link or
The Spread Control
When two Channels are stereo linked, they no longer have separate pan controls. With the Channel link comes a new feature, called Spread, which uses the PAN knob and LEDs for control. The Spread control varies the stereo image of the two linked Channels from full stereo to mono. This allows you to position stereo sources in your monitor mix by controlling the width of the stereo image.
Spread changes the panning of the left and right Channels simultaneously. Instead of having two Channels panned 100% left and right, Spread allows the Channels to be panned to 60% left and right, for example.
Spread turns this: