Muting a Channel 33, 49 | Program Change |
Muting Groups 37 | MIDI 56 |
network 14
power supply 17 Outputs 18
output impedance 65 output module 38
Package Contents 10
Pan Control 30, 48 Pan knob & LEDs 8
LEDs, Pan 8 Pan LEDs 20, 30, 32 parallel connection 23 pedal 52
Personal Mixer 1
Personal Mixer Components 5 Personal Mixer Rear Panel 38 Polarity 65
Power Input 38 power supply 17, 38
replacing 15
power supply polarity 15 Power Supply Voltage 65 Preset
load via MIDI 59 MIDI SysEx 56 save from
select with footswitch 52 What Gets Saved 21
Presets 29 and MIDI 43
Preset Number
display from
Rack mounting 11 Recall button 4, 8, 27, 47 Recall Mode 25, 28, 48, 59 red LED 24, 34, 35
Remote/Local switch 3, 18, 22, 29, 45, 52, 57, 58
and master volume 46 Removing Channels From a Group 36 replace the power supply 15 Return 6
Return jack 40, 41 RJ45 connector 12
Sample Rate 65 save a Preset 21 Save Mode 26, 28, 47 Save Preset 4 Saving a Mix
MIDI 57 scribble strip 11 select Preset
using footswitch 52 Send 6
Insert 40
series connection 23 Signal to Noise Ratio 65
Solo Mode 25, 29, 32, 33, 48, 49 held/single 32
Specifications 65
Spread Control 31 stereo image 31 stereo input 30, 31 Stereo Link 19, 31