Aruba Mobility Controller | Configuration Guide |
| VIEW Certified |
Initial Setup
Before starting, please ensure that the Policy Enforcement Firewall module license is enabled on the Aruba mobility controller. Please contact Aruba Networks for licenses and installation information.
Enter System name [Aruba800]: Aruba
Enter VLAN 1 interface IP address []: Enter VLAN 1 interface subnet mask []: Enter IP Default gateway [none]:
Enter Switch Role, (masterlocal) [master]: master
Enter Country code
You have chosen Country code US for United States (yesno)?: yes
Enter Password for admin login (up to 32 chars): admin
Enter Password for enable mode (up to 15 chars): enable
Do you wish to shutdown all the ports (yesno)? [no]: no Current choices are:
System name: Aruba
VLAN 1 interface IP address:
VLAN 1 interface subnet mask:
IP Default gateway: none
Switch Role: master
Country code: US
Ports shutdown: no
If you accept the changes the switch will restart!
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