Braun 8595 manual Accessories

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4.Remaining shaving time / Shaver must be charged.

5.Time left in the cleaning process.

6.Replace shaving foil and cutter block. To help obtain a new shaver foil and cutter block at your dealer or Braun Service Center, the display shows the part No. 8000. To reset the display, push the info key (17). We recommend to follow the display’s suggestion, i.e. replace foil and cutter block every 18 months. Change both parts at the same time for a closer shave with less skin irritation.

7.System has initiated automatic battery maintenance (it is fully discharging and then recharging the batteries).

8.Environment temperature not suited for charging. Allow the shaver to remain for some time at room temperature for optimal charging conditions.

Best environmental temperature range for charging is 15 °C to 35 °C.

9.Intensive cleaning needed – return to the Clean&Charge station as soon as possible. To reset the display, push the info key (17).

10.Info key, press once: duration of last shave.

Press again: total number of shaves (cannot be reset).

Press again: key part number for shaver foil and

cutter block. Hold for 3 seconds: runs a display demo.

11.No display – shaver is completely discharged.


Available at your dealer or Braun Service Centres:

• Shaver foil and cutter block No. 8000

• Cleaning cartridge Clean&Charge CCR


Image 9
Contents 8595 0212 473 75 Braun InfolineActivator English Before shaving DescriptionIntensive We recommend cleaning after each shaveAfter shaving ShavingThorough manual cleaning Quick cleaningCleaning the housing Shaver displayAccessories Guarantee Environmental noticeFor UK only Français Avant le rasage Cl eaning Après le rasage RasageEcran d‘affichage du rasoir Remplacement de la cartoucheNettoyage rapide Nettoyage manuel plus approfondiAccessoires Respect de l’environnement GarantieClause spéciale pour la France Uwaga PolskiPrzed goleniem Opis urzàdzeniaRekomendujemy czyszczenie po ka˝dym goleniu Select auto Clean eco normal intensivePo goleniu GolenieSzybkie czyszczenie WyÊwietlacz golarkiCzyszczenie r´czne Wymiana pojemnikaAkcesoria Warunki gwarancji Uwagi dotyczàce ochrony ÊrodowiskaPage ˘straha Âesk˘Pfied holením PopisDoporuãujeme ãi‰tûní po kaÏdém holení Po holení HoleníRychlé ãi‰tûní Displej holicího strojkuDÛkladné manuální ãi‰tûní ˘mûna ãistící kazetyPfiíslu‰enství Záruka Poznámka k Ïivotnímu prostfiedíSlovensk˘ Pred holením Âistenie odporúãame uskutoãÀovaÈ po kaÏdom holení Polohy prepínaãa HolenieTipy na perfektné oholenie Holenie so sieÈov˘m prívodom˘chle ãistenie Displej holiaceho strojãekaDôkladné manuálne ãistenie ˘mena ãistiacej kazetyPríslu‰enstvo Poznámka k Ïivotnému prostrediu Figyelmeztetés MagyarBorotválkozás elŒtt TermékleírásSelect Clean Auto Borotválkozás után BorotválkozásGyors tisztítás Borotva kijelzŒkAlapos kézi tisztítás PatroncsereTisztító patron Clean & Charge CCR TartozékokBorotva szita és kés típusa Garancia Környezetvédelmi figyelmeztetésHrvatski UpozorenjePrije brijanja OpisVa‰ je aparat sada ãist, napunjen i spreman za uporabu Poslije brijanja BrijanjeBrzo ãi‰çenje Display aparataPotpuno ruãno ãi‰çenje Zamjena patroneDodaci MreÏica i blok rezaã Patrona za ãi‰çenje Clean&Charge CCRJamstveni list Napomena o brizi za okoli‰Opozorila SlovenskiPred britjem Priporoãamo ãi‰ãenje brivnika po vsakem britju Po britju BritjeHitro ãi‰ãenje Prikazovalnik brivnikaTemeljito roãno ãi‰ãenje Zamenjava kartu‰ePribor Garancija Varovanje okoljaTürkçe Uyar∂∂raµa baµlamadan önce Tan∂mlarHer t∂raµtan sonra temizlemenizi öneririz ∂raµtan sonra ∂raµ olmaMükemmel t∂raµ için ip uçlar∂ Kablolu kullan∂mÇabuk Temizleme ∂raµ makinesi ekran∂El ile temizleme Kartuµun deπiµtirilmesiAksesuarlar Elek ve b∂çakNo Temizleme kartuµu Clean&Charge CCRÇevresel bildiri ÇÌËχÌË ÑÓ Ì‡˜‡Î‡ ·ËÚ¸fl ÉÔËÒ‡ÌËÂÅÓÊÌÓ ÔÓËÁ‚ÂÒÚË ‰Ó 7 ˜ËÒÚÓÍ ÇÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏ ÌÓ‚˚È Í‡ÚË‰Ê ÈÓÎÓÊÂÌËfl ‚˚Íβ˜‡ÚÂÎfl ÈÓÒΠ·ËÚ¸flÊÂÍÓÏẨ‡ˆËË ‰Îfl ˜ËÒÚÓ„Ó ·ËÚ¸fl ‚ÚÓχÚ˘ÂÒ͇fl ˜ËÒÚ͇˘‡ÚÂθ̇fl ۘ̇fl ˜ËÒÚ͇ ˚ÒÚ‡fl ˜ËÒÚ͇‡ÏÂ̇ ͇Úˉʇ ÓËÒÚ͇ ÍÓÔÛÒ‡ÄÍÒÂÒÒÛ‡˚ ‡˘ËÚ‡ ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚ ËÎÛ˜‡Ë, ̇ ÍÓÚÓ˚ „‡‡ÌÚËfl Ì ‡ÒÔÓÒÚ‡ÌflÂÚÒfl Ì‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓPage ÌÍ‡ªÌҸ͇ ÈÓÔÂ‰ÊÂÌÌflÈÂ‰ „ÓÎ¥ÌÌflÏ ÉÔËÒSele ˜‡ÒÚËÌË ·ËÚ‚Ë ÏÓÊÛÚ¸ ·ÛÚË „‡fl˜ËÏË ÉÓÎ¥ÌÌflÈÓÎÓÊÂÌÌfl ÔÂÂÏË͇˜‡ ÈÓ‡‰Ë ˘Ó‰Ó ·ÂÁ‰Ó„‡ÌÌÓ„Ó „ÓÎ¥ÌÌfl¥ÒÎfl „ÓÎ¥ÌÌfl Ñëòôîâè ·ËÚ‚Ë ‡‡ÌÚ¥ÈÌ¥ ÁÓ·Ó‚’flÁ‡ÌÌfl Ù¥ÏË Çraun 10. ç‡ÚËÒÌ¥Ú¸ Íìóôíû «info» Ó‰ËÌ ‡Á ÚË‚‡Î¥ÒÚ¸‰ÂÙÂÍÚË, ‚ËÍÎË͇̥ ÙÓÒ-χÊÓÌËÏË Ó·ÒÚ‡‚Ë̇ÏË Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Guarantee Deutschland Service Centers Djibouti Republique de Paraguay USA