Speaker Status.
OFF - speaker off
ON - speaker on
Headset Status.
OFF - headset off
ON - headset on
Calling Out.
The phone is calling out
Calling In.
Phone is ringing with incoming call
Incoming Call.
The current call is an incoming call
Outgoing Call.
The current call is an outgoing call
Call Failed
Fail to establish call
SRTP Status.
OFF - SRTP is not used
ON - SRTP is used
MUTE Status.
OFF - No muted
ON - Muted
Call On Hold.
Call Active.
Conference Call.
Core Dump.
Core dump file can be downloaded from phone's Web
FIRMWARE VERSION | GXP2120/GXP2110/GXP2100/GXP1450 USER MANUAL | Page 19 of 69 |