30Phone book
Each handset can store up to fifty records in phone book for quick dialling, each record can contain a maximum of
View Records
1.Make sure the phone is OFF (not in talk mode).
2.Press the [ ] button to access the phone book sub- menu.
3. Use the [ ] or [ ] buttons to scroll to VIEW RECORDS.
4.Press the [ ] button to confirm. Display will show the records.
5. Press the [ ] or [ ] buttons or key in alphabet to view the records.
6.Press the [ ] button to confirm and the detailed information will be shown in the display.
Add Records
1.Make sure the phone is OFF (not in talk mode).
2.Press [ ] button to enter Phone Book
3.Use the [ ] or [ ] buttons to select ADD RECORDS.
4.Press the [ ] button to confirm, ENTER NAME shows on the display.
5.Use the
If you make a mistake press the [ ] button to backspace and erase the wrong character(s) or number(s).
6.Press the [ ] button again to save your selection. The display shows ADD TEL NUMBER.
7.Use the keypad to enter the telephone number (up to 20 digits, including pauses), and press the [ ] button to confirm, The records are stored alphabetically in the phone book.
Inserting a Pause in the Dialling Sequence (of a Stored Number)
Press the [ ] button on the handset’s keypad to insert a delay in dialling sequence when a pause is needed to wait for a dial tone (for example, after you dial 0 for an outside line, or to wait for a computer access tone.) Each pause counts as one digit in the dialing sequence.