Roland RS 232C manual Syntax ACK 06H, = Xon 11H / Xoff 13H

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21Unsupported card or Incorrect format. Please change cards or format card.

100The AR-3000 received a “2Q” or “3Q” command even though the specified phrase was not a pattern phrase.

101A “PQ” or “TQ” command is used to request output even after the setting information of the last phrase has been output.

102The AR-3000 received an RE command even though it was not in record-ready mode.

202There is no time information for the specified phrase.

300The command is not compatible with the Dual Mono mode.

301Specify a time parameter within the phrase recording time.

302Phrases other than audio phrases cannot be specified.

303Phrases other than MIDI phrases cannot be specified

304Phrases other than audio phrases, MIDI phrases, and pattern phrases cannot be specified.

305There is no blank phrase.

306In the Delete mode, only editing commands are processed.

307Before sending an RL command, first specify a phrase with the PA command.

308The Dual Mono mode supports only monaural phrases.

309The settings cannot be output, because it is expanded function in AR-3000. Please use the request command corresponding to AR-3000.

310To execute the edit operation, transmit “ACK”. To cancel the delete operation, Transmit “stxER:1” .

311The AR-3000 received a “GQ” command even though the specified phrase was not a song phrase.

312There is no signal input from the Digital In jack. Send signals from the digitally connected equipment.

313The command does not correspond to the selected phrase.

314Phrase Join cannot be executed unless the RDAC-Grade,RDAC-Mode, and recording type are the same for both phrases.

315A card in AR-2000 format was inserted in either slot A or B (or both). Or the syntax of the command was incorrect or inappropriate.

Note: When these commands occur, commands from the external device will be ignored.


Function: Acknowledge normal status, indicate normal reception of a command

Syntax: ACK (06H)

= Xon (11H) / Xoff (13H)

Function: Allow or disable transmission. Used for handshaking.

Syntax: Xon is 11H only (transmission permitted)

Xoff is 13H only (transmission disabled)

AR-3000 RS-232C Reference -46

Image 51
Contents AR-3000 RS-232C Reference version RS-232C ReferenceDetails of each Command ContentsSetup Overview of CommandsSetting Commands ACK Appendix Handshaking If You Have Been Using the AR-2000Connector and Cable About the RS-232C InterfaceConnections with the Computer Setup ProcedureComputer Settings AR-3000 SettingsBaud Rate Settings Command StructureCommunication Protocol Stx + DM command About Output Parameters Command FormatPrecautions About Input ParametersDetails of each Command Phrases other than audio phrases cannot be specified Control Commands= PAPhrAse = PE PausESyntax stxRL * , **H**M**S**F stxRL * , **H**M**S If Dual Mono Mode is on= PL PLay = RL Relative time pLay= RE REc start Recording CommandsStxAE Example stxAE2001,3,1,8,59,0,0,1,0= RM Rec Mode Syntax stxRM **** , * , * , * , * , * , * a b c d e f gExample RMA1,3,2,1,0,1,1 = CP Card coPy Editing Commands= DM Delete Mode = CD Card Delete Function Delete Card Syntax stxDM= LS phrase Lock Switch LW phrase Lock sWitch for AR-3000= FM ForMat = PI Phrase sIlencer = SP Setting coPy Function System copy Syntax stxDM= PC Phrase Copy Function Copy phrase Syntax stxDM = PD Phrase DeleteStxTS StxPV ****,**H**M**S**F*SStxPM TS Time Stretch for AR-3000Syntax3 Mono1 , Mono2 to Stereo stxDM StxRT StxDM StxRTSyntax stxPU **** , * , **** , **S* , .... , **** , **S Setting CommandsPattern Phrase Settings Example stxCV0,ABCDEFGHSong Phrase number Phrase number to be played back Example SUA001,ABCDEFGHIJK,100,10S5,1,5M0S,1,5M10S,120,0 Phrase SettingsSyntax stxPP **** , **H**M**S**F*S, **H**M**S**F*S PO Phrase control Out set up for AR-3000PP phrase Playback Point set up for AR-3000 Syntax stxPO **** , *,**M**SMPphrase Midi temPo set up for AR-3000 Syntax stxMPSyntax stxTT Midi Settings = MS Midi Set up Function Midi settingsSyntax stxMS Syntax stxNM MM MMc set up for AR-3000MT MTc set up for AR-3000Function MTC settings Syntax stxMT = NM Note Map= DC Display Contrast = BR Baud RateSyntax stxDL DL Direct pLay for AR-3000 Function Direct Playback settingStxDP Example DP0,A1,,A3,A4,,A16SM SysteM for AR-2000Function System settings Syntax stxSM AR-3000 RS-232C Reference StxBO Syntax stxEQGQ sonG phrase reQuest for AR-3000 Request Commands2Q pattern phrase reQuest for AR-2000 3Q pattern phrase reQuest for AR-3000= AQ All reQuest = CQ Card reQuest= DQ Direct play reQuest Syntax stxNQ * a = LQ dispLay contrast reQuest= MQ Memory reQuest = NQ Note map reQuestSyntax stxYQ YQ sYstem reQuest for AR-3000= UQ coUnt play reQuest Syntax stxUQ= VR VeRsion = CS Card Set Reply Commands= ER ERror = Xon 11H/Xoff 13HCard ID Created automatically Reserved SU phrase Set Up for AR-2000 Function Phrase setting output S**F*S, **H**M**S**F*S,*,*, **H**M**S**F**S, **H**M**S**F**S Endless Syntax stxME Master Slave Sync Source Internal Syntax stxCR = CE Count play sEt upSyntax stxAC = CR Card Remain= DP Direct Play SY SYstem for AR-3000 Function System setting output = TI Time stamp Info Syntax stxTISyntax stxVR AR-3000 RS-232C Reference = AE Auto inc rEc start Syntax stxAE S**** aSyntax stxER * a = Xon 11H / Xoff 13H # Setting Commands # Card Settings AR-3000 Commands List 1 AR-2000 Compatible Commands List# Control Commands # Playback Commands Editing CommandsReply Commands # Reply Commands# Commands sent from the AR-3000 to the external device # Setting Output Commands# System Settings # Editing Commands # Card Editing# Setting Commands # Phrase Settings # Midi SettingsCharacters That Can Be Used in Phrase Names and Card Names # Setting Output Commands # Phrase SettingsPlaying Back a Phrase Sample AlgorithmsRecording Nomal Recording Recording Time-Stamped Recording What is the Phrase Output Counter? Deleting a Phrase